
Python implementation of "The Inferelator"

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This is a python re-implementation of the algorithm described in The Inferelator, by Bonneau Labs, NYU.

It provides a method for deriving genome-wide transcriptional regulatory interactions, and predicts a large portion of regulatory networks using L2 Bayesian Regression.


The Inferelator should be run using python3 with the following structure:

python3 inferelator.py [JOB_NAME]

The JOB_NAME is the name of the configuration script that should be used, and should be located in the jobs/ directory.

For example to run with the provided dream4_bbsr_low job one would use the command python3 inferelator.py dream4_bbsr_low in the root directory

Configuration Highlights

NOTE: Some configuration specifications are listed in the default configuration file but have not yet been implemented.
p['inputDir'] = 'input/dream4' - Directory in which input files will be search
p['metaDataFile'] = 'meta_data.tsv' - Meta data file to be used from the specified inpurDir
p['priorsFile'] = 'gold_standard.tsv' - Priors data file to be used from the specified inpurDir
p['goldStandardFile'] = 'gold_standard.tsv' - Gold Standard data file to be used from the specified inpurDir
p['jobSeed'] = 42 - Random Seed to be used by the application
p['saveToDir'] = None - Directory in which to save outputted files

p['verbose'] = False - Option to print computed Betas at each bootstrap
p['demo'] = False - Option to use precomputed clean data (makes beta output cleaner)
p['exportCLRMatrix'] = False - Option to write computed CLR matrices to output directory
p['exportBSDR'] = False - Option to write computed bootstrap specific design and response matricies to outpur directory


Anaconda Python


Any questions concerning running the code or creating the job script can be directed to joseph.macaluso@stonybrook.edu