
Forked and edited to work with my half broken IMU

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

A fork of: https://github.com/ARRevolution/MPU9255, edited to work with my half broken IMU

Renamed package to mpu9255 to stop catkin complaining.

The original code magnetomter reads did not work and turned out have to read them from a separate I2C device address, plus set the I2C pass through bit on init. The setup register writes posted here made it work. Thanks :) https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36242308/arduino-sensor-10dof-mpu9255-cannot-fetch-magnetometer-data

Also Magnetometer data published was raw, so multiplied by 0.15 to give Magnetic Flux density in uT, as per page 50 - Table 4 in the "MPU-9255-Register-Map.pdf"

roslaunch mpu9255 imu.launch

rostopic echo /imu/data_raw

rostopic echo /imu/mag

ROS MPU9255 Node

c++ ROS node wrapper for the mpu9255 gyroscope / accelerometer/magnetometer.
Reads accelerometer, gyroscopic and magnetic data in 3D giving 9 Degrees of Freedom.
Publishes sensor_msgs::IMU to /imu/data_raw topic(angular_velocity and linear_acceleration).
Publishes sensor_msgs::MagneticField to /imu/data_raw topic(angular_velocity and linear_acceleration).
Supported interface : I2C.
used in Raspberry PI 3.\


First install WiringPI:

git clone git://git.drogon.net/wiringPi
cd ~/wiringPi

Then clone this repository into your ROS workspace(src folder):

git clone https://github.com/mdleiton/MPU9255.git

Compile it:

g++ offsetIMU.cpp -lwiringPi -o offsetIMU

Run a node:

./offsetIMU ofssetData.txt
source devel/setup.bash
rosrun MPU9255 MPU9255_node

Review the published data with:

rostopic echo /imu/data_raw
rostopic echo /imu/mag

Complementary filter

install imu-tools:

sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-imu-tools

run launch file:

source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch MPU9255 imu.launch

reference: http://wiki.ros.org/imu_complementary_filter

Create a rosbag file (.bag)

run launch file:

source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch MPU9255 record_topic.launch

Get data from the topics of the .bag file:

rostopic echo -b file.bag -p /topic

Visualize Rviz:

source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch MPU9255 record_topic.launch
rviz 				# other terminal

Configure as FIG.1 or load config file in (rviz_config/imu.rviz)

Alt text

GIF: Alt text

More information about published topics:
