
Modern C++ Regular Expressions library, wrapping both POSIX and Lua string patterns.

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION

Wrapping POSIX regexps and Lua string patterns

C++11 does have a regular expression library, inherited from Boost, but in my experience this can add serious compile-time overhead to projects. textutil::Rxp wraps the standard POSIX regexp interface, and textutil::Rxl wraps Lua string patterns. Although less powerful, Lua string patterns are much faster when dealing with large amounts of text. For this project I've extracted the pattern matching from lstrlib.c from Lua 5.2.

The API design is based on the Lua string library; there are matches, which may have multiple submatches (or 'captures'). gmatch is an iterator over all the matches in a string, and gsub is a global substitution using either replacement strings, map-like types or functions.

    Rxp d("[a-z]+");
    if (! d) {
       cerr << "bad regex " << d.error() << endl;
       return 1;
    bool ok = d.matches("hello dolly");
    if (! ok) {
        cerr << "did not match" << endl;
        return 1;

Using Lua string patterns is similar, but since they aren't pre-compled, we only get bad pattern errors after a match is attempted:

    Rxl d("[a-z]+");
    bool ok = d.matches("hello dolly");    
    if (! ok) {
       if (! d) {
          cerr << "bad pattern " << d.error() << endl;
          return 1;
       cerr << "did not match" << endl;
       return 1;

Apart from error-handling, there is the same interface for both of these classes. Even if using classic regexps, you may choose to use Lua notation ('%' instead of '\', '%a' instead of '[[:alpha:]]'.) Otherwise the semantics are not changed at all.

The following is equivalent to Lua's string.find, although we lack multiple returns and any 'captures' are not returned:

    Rxp words("%a+",Rx::lua); // regexp in Lua clothing...
    const char *s2 = "baad! bad! argh"; 
    int start=0,end;
    if (words.find(s2,start,end)) {
        cout << string(s2,end-start) << '\n';
    // --> baad bad argh

This design makes it convenient for testing text against a number of matches and then extracting substrings from that text.

Using an explicit match object allows iteration:

    Rx::match m(words,s2);
    while (m.matches()) {
        cout << m[0] << '\n';

(If you had any submatches they would be m[1] etc.)

This is the equivalent of string.gmatch, which essentially wraps up the above explicit loop as a STL-style iterator:

    for (auto M: words.gmatch(text)) {
       cout << M[0] << '\n';

Text Substitution

Lua's string.gsub has three overloaded forms, depending on the type of the replacement:

  • it is a string, perhaps containing group references: "[%0]"
  • it is a 'table'; in C++ terms, any map-like type
  • it is a function which is passed the 'captures'. (In the C++ case, we pass the match object and let the function extract the submatches.)

The first two are handled by the gsub method of both Rxp and Rxl. The map-like case is generic, for any associative array that can map strings to a type that std::to_string can convert.

The second is the generic method gsub_fun (template overloading cannot distinguish the cases) and it is likely to be much more useful now that closures have come to C++:

   Rxp dollar("%$(%a+)");
   string res = dollar.gsub_fun("$HOME and $PATH",[](const Rx::match& m) { 
       auto res = getenv(m[0].c_str()); // we want a 'safe' getenv!
       return res ? res : "";
    // --> "/home/steve and /home/steve/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/....."

Iterator Extraction

Any semi-decent string library has a split utility function, but I resisted this temptation. It would have to return a concrete type like std::vector<std::string>, which would become a dependency of this library. There is an alternative pattern which is much more flexible:

    vector<int> numbers;
    Rxp digits("%d+",Rx::lua);
    string text = "10 and a 20 plus 30 any 40";
    cout << numbers << '\n';
    // --> 10 20 30 40

The target type can be anything that:

  • understands push_back
  • has defined value_type
  • where value_type can be stringified by textutil::from_string

The definition of Rx::match::append_to is straightforward:

        template <class C>
        void append_to(C& c) {
           typedef typename C::value_type value_type;
           while(matches()) { 

There is a generalization of this idea for filling maps. fill_map assumes that the first submatch is the key, and the second submatch is the value. With a little thought, this can make simple configuration files a bit easier ;)

    // fill a map with matches - uses M[1] and M[2]    
    Rxp word_pairs("(%a+)=([^;]+)",Rx::lua);
    string text = "dog=juno;owner=angela";
    map<string,string> config;
    assert(config["dog"] == "juno" && config["owner"] == "angela");