
Project scope is to list all resources under AWS Services to populate a lookup of all Resources with its coresponding ID or ARN & its AWS Service. And then to use manipulate the Lookup with Tags, where another script to loop and add the tags to all the mentioned resources. All using AWS CLI

Primary LanguageShell


Project scope:

  • To list all resources under AWS Services (Listed Below). And populate a lookup of all Resources with its coresponding ID or ARN & its AWS Service.

  • And then to use manipulate Lookup to add Tags to it (Manually), where another script to loop on the tags and add it to all the mentioned resources.

  • All using AWS CLI.


1- Listing AWS Services Resources with metadata of (Resource ID & Resource Name)

2- Generating seperate Lookupfile per Service to add Tags to it

3- Automated Script to Create Added Tags to Resources on AWS

Repo Hierarchy:

1- DRY_RUN Dir used to validate Tagging Commands with extracted data from Lookup files.

  - list_resources_DR.sh: Used to extract all resources & add it to lookups as per corresponding service. 

  - build_lookup_DR.sh: Used to auto populate dummy tags to (ec2, security groups, vpc) services lookup

    (ec2_dummy_lookupfile, sg_dummy_lookupfile & vpc_dummy_lookupfile) will be populated.

  - tag_resources_DR.sh: Used to loop on rows in lookup files, parse info within the lookup and print the command that will be used to create the tags for validation.

2- RUN Dir contains latest live releases from scripts

  - list_resources_R.sh: Used to extract all resources & add it to lookups as per corresponding service. 

  - tag_resources_R.sh: Used to loop on rows in lookup files, parse info within the lookup and create the tags to the corressponding resource.  

How to use:


1- Go to DRY_RUN

2- Start Bash Script: [ list_resources_R.sh ] (No Options/Arguments used)

  • It will populate servuce's Lookups contains all resources within the current working directory.

  • Lookup File will be created will follow naming convension : _lookupfile Ex. ec2_lookupfile

3- Start Bash Script: [ build_lookup_DR.sh ] (No Options/Arguments used)

  • It will populate dummy tags automatically into (ec2, security groups, vpc) services lookup file (ec2_dummy_lookupfile, sg_dummy_lookupfile & vpc_dummy_lookupfile).

4- Start Bash Script: [ tag_resources_DR.sh < Lookup File Name > ] (Mandatory Argument: Dummy Lookup File Name )

- Where it will loop on the Lookup line by line and echo tagging command corresponding to the Service mentioned in the script.

- Command Example: tag_resources_DR.sh ec2_lookupfile



1- Go to RUN

2- Start Bash Script: [ list_resources_R.sh ] (No Options/Arguments used)

- It will populate servuce's Lookups contains all resources within the current working directory.

- Lookup File will be created will follow naming convension : <AWS Service Name>_lookupfile Ex. ec2_lookupfile

3 - Edit the Lookup file to add the resource Tag Key & Value Field's

- Tags Field will be used to populate tagging for these resources. 

- Tags naming convention Should be filled as below screenshot 
  [ Key=<KeyName>;Value=<valueName>|Key=<KeyName>;Value=<valueName>|... ]

- Remark: Key & Value words should be Capitalized as the above naming convension.


4- Start Bash Script: [ tag_resources_R.sh < Lookup File Name > ] (Mandatory Argument: Lookup File Name )

- Where it will loop on the Lookup line by line and run tagging command corresponding to the Service mentioned in the script.

- Command Example: tag_resources_R.sh ec2_lookupfile


Service Included

1- EC2

2- Images

3- secgroup

4- vpc

5- subnets

6- routetable

7- alb

8- nlb

9- targetgroup

10- listner

11- natgateway

12- Transit gateway

13- S3

14- Cloudtrail

15- rds dbcluster/instance