
Finds Jobs on LinkedIn using web-scraping

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Find Jobs on LinkedIn

  • 📔 This program finds jobs by scraping on LinkedIn
  • 👨‍💻 Relies on User Input. Accepts: Country, City, State
  • 📑 Data about jobs will be generated as .csv format.
  • Installation:

    # clone the repo
    $ git clone https://github.com/KungPaoChick/Find_LinkedIn_jobs.git
    # change the working directory to Find_LinkedIn_jobs
    $ cd Find_LinkedIn_jobs/
    # install the requirements
    $ python -m pip install -r requirements.txt


    $ python search_jobs.py --help
    usage: search_jobs.py [-h] [-p PLACES [PLACES ...]] [-j jobfunction [jobfunction ...]] [-jp job place]
    Find Nearby or Faraway Jobs
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -p PLACES [PLACES ...], --place PLACES [PLACES ...]
                            Enter country/city/state. One or more places to look jobs from.
      -j jobfunction [jobfunction ...], --jobfunction jobfunction [jobfunction ...]
                            Searches Job Specification in your area. (e.g software-engineer)
      -jp job place, --jobplace job place
                            Searches The Specified Job in the Specified Place. (e.g teacher iowa)

    To search for only one place:

    $ python search_jobs.py -p san-jose

    To search for more than one place:

    $ python search_jobs.py -p california texas arizona

    To search a Specific job in your area:

    $ python search_jobs.py -j teacher

    To search Specific more than one job in your area:

    $ python search_jobs.py -j teacher engineer designer

    To search a Specific Job in a Specific Location:

    $ python search_jobs.py -jp designer san-jose

    Data collected will be stored in an individual csv file inside of its respective folder (e.g jobs_in_san-jose.csv)



    We would love to have you help us with the development of Jobs_LinkedIn. Each and every contribution is greatly valued!