
Dart implementation for MIIO LAN protocol.

Primary LanguageDartGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Pub Package

Dart implementation for MIIO LAN protocol.

The protocol an encrypted, binary protocol based on UDP (port 54321), which is used to configure & control smart home devices made by Xiaomi Ecosystem.


The package contains a simple CLI program that built on top of miio.


  • Activate from Pub:
pub global activate miio


# Send discover packet to broadcast IP.
miio discover --ip

# Send packet to device.
miio send --ip --token ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff --payload '{\"id\": 1, \"method\": \"miIO.info\", \"params\": []}'

# Or use device command.
miio device --ip --token ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff props -p power
miio device --ip --token ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff call --method set_power -p on


 0                   1                   2                   3
 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
| Magic Number = 0x2131         | Packet Length (incl. header)  |
| Unknown                                                       |
| Device ID ("did")                                             |
| Stamp                                                         |
| MD5 Checksum                                                  |
| ... or Device Token in response to the "Hello" packet         |
| Optional variable-sized payload (encrypted)                   |

Packet Length: 16 bits unsigned int
    Length in bytes of the whole packet, including header(0x20 bytes).

Unknown: 32 bits
    This value is always 0.
    0xFFFFFFFF in "Hello" packet.

Device ID: 32 bits
    Unique number. Possibly derived from the MAC address.
    0xFFFFFFFF in "Hello" packet.

Stamp: 32 bit unsigned int
    Continously increasing counter.
    Number of seconds since device startup.

MD5 Checksum:
    Calculated for the whole packet including the MD5 field itself,
    which must be initialized with token.

    In "Hello" packet,
    this field contains the 128-bit 0xFF.

    In the response to the first "Hello" packet,
    this field contains the 128-bit device token.

Optional variable-sized payload:
    Payload encrypted with AES-128-CBC (PKCS#7 padding).

        Key = MD5(Token)
        IV  = MD5(Key + Token)