
TypeIt is a JavaScript/Typescript library that allows you to type out strings char by char. It's lightweight, customizable, and easy to use.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A simple library to type a message char by char, with a blinking cursor, that looks like the chatGPT answer.





npm install typeit-gpt --save


<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/typeit-gpt/src/index.css" />
<div id="message-container""></div>

<script type="module">
    import TypeItGpt from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/typeit-gpt';
    TypeItGpt.typeCursor('Hello World');


<!--with default options the library expects a div with id="message-container" to be present in the DOM    -->
<div id="message-container"></div>
import { TypeItGpt } from "typeit-gpt";

// simple usage
TypeCursor.typeCursor("Hello World");

// with options
TypeCursor.typeCursor("Hello World", options);


Option Type Default Description
messageContainer HTMLElement document.getElementById( 'message-container' ) as HTMLElement the element that will contain the message
shouldType ( message: string ) => boolean ( message: string ) => !message.includes( '<' ) a callback that is called on every char typed, on false the message will be added directly on true the message will be typed char by char
onType (oldMessage: string, currentChar: string ) => void undefined a callback that is called after every char typed
onEnd () => void undefined a callback that is called when the message is typed
waitLongerChar Array [ ',', '.', '?' ] if the first char is currently typed, add a longer timeout
timings.charInterval number 50 the time between each char typed
timings.waitLongerInterval ( timeBefore: number ) => number ( timeBefore: number ) => Math.random() _ 50 _ timeBefore the time between each char typed
timings.spaceInterval ( timeBefore: number ) => number ( timeBefore: number ) => Math.random() _ 5 _ timeBefore the time between each char typed
startEmpty boolean true if the message should start empty, or append to the previous message
cursorWidth string '1rem' the width of the cursor
cursorColor string 'white' the color of the cursor
removeClassAfterEnd boolean false if the type-it-gpt class should be removed from the message after the typing is done


Method Description
TypeCursor.typeCursor( message: string, userOptions: TypeOptions = defaultOptions, ) types a message char by char
typeCursor( message: string, startEmpty: boolean = true, onEnd: () => void = () => { } ) types a message char by char
setStopTyping() call this function to write all the message at ones and stop the typing, this is useful if a new message needs to be typed


The project is developed using typescript, so weather you use typescript or javascript, you will get documentation and type checking.