Implementation of a Database Management System using Bash Script
The Program has both CLI & GUI Interfaces
- CLI With SQL Statements
- Simple GUI using Zenity
From the Main menu you can do the following :
- Create Database
- List Datebases
- Connect Database
- Drop Database
After Creating a Database you can do the following :
- Create Table
- Drop Tables
- Insert into Table
- Select From Table
- Delete From Table
- Update Table
CREATE TABLE table_name (column1 int pk , column2 txt , . . )
- Supported data types : int , txt
- Only one Primary Key is permitted
- Descriptive Error message
INSERT INTO tableName ; VALUES(value1, value2 . . . )
- You must enter the values in the columns order
- Primary Key cannot be null or duplicated
- The values must match the column data type
- Descriptive Error message
DELETE FROM table_name; WHERE column[==,<,>,>=,<=]value;
DELETE FROM table_name;
- The where column must exist
- Supported where operators [==,<,>,>=,<=]
- Descriptive Error message
UPDATE table_name; SET column1=value1; WHERE column2=value2;
- The SET column and must exist
- The SET value must match the column data type
- The WHERE column must exist
- Primary Key cannot be null or duplicated
- Descriptive Error message
SELECT *; FROM table_name;
SELECT column; FROM table_name;
SELECT column ; FROM table_name ; WHERE column[==,<,>,>=,<=]value ;
SELECT * ; FROM table_name ; WHERE column[==,<,>,>=,<=]value ;
SELECT column; FROM table_name;
SELECT *; FROM table_name;
- The SELECT column must exist
- The WHERE column must exist
- Supported WHERE operators [==,<,>,>=,<=]
- Descriptive Error message