
A Basic Yet Complete O2O Solution

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



囚牛,龙种,性好音乐 QioNio, dragon, loves music

为什么叫囚牛计划?Why called QioNio?


Project QioNio is the code name of the whole developing plan. Because the intent of developing this miniprogram is because of the establishment of the new building which requires lots of Sodex delivery power. The new building is established on the old school music center, and ancient chinese believes that the eldest son of dragon, QioNio, loves music, therefore naming this project QioNio. I hope that QioNio can fly over Longmen Building, and go skyrocket high. This miniapp should bring help to everyone in the school.

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Sodex MiniApp 索迪斯小程序


Sodex MiniApp is a wechat mini app that allows the users to order deliveries(will add payment api in the future) and check announcements from Sodex. It is based on QioNio(Which is a framework I developed during the developing phase of this miniapp to make things work), and will be functionally avalaible only for SHSID folks but open source to everyone.

QioNio 囚牛

QioNio is a basic yet complete O2O solution that allows the user to quickly build their own eShop or other O2O implementations. It has the following main features: Dynamic asset updating system, QrCode offline(Manual input also avalaible) transaction system, and user profile system(Black list, admin, ratings). It is still under packaging and optimizing stage, and will be avalaible as a package in the near future. 囚牛是一款简易但是完整的O2O解决方案,它允许用户快速构建自己的电商或者其他O2O应用。囚牛拥有以下几个主要特色:动态资产更新系统,线下二维码(支持手动输入订单号)交易系统,以及用户档案系统(黑名单,管理员,评价)。囚牛框架仍处于包装以及优化阶段,将在不久的未来正式推出。

Wechat MiniApp Features 微信小程序特性

  1. 轻便体积小
  2. 动画行云流水,体验流畅
  3. 二次无感登录系统

Wechat MiniApp Components 微信小程序模块

  1. TAOTYE Food Ordering Component 饕餮订餐模块
  2. FENGSHEN User Management Component 封神榜用户管理模块
  3. YUDI Admin Component 玉帝管理员模块
  4. NEZHA Global Message Component 哪吒全局消息推送模块

TAOTYE Food Ordering Component 饕餮订餐模块


FENGSHEN User Management Component 封神榜用户管理模块


YUDI Admin Component 玉帝管理员模块


NEZHA Global Message Component 哪吒全局消息推送模块


Dependencies 依赖

Color Ui: https://github.com/weilanwl/ColorUI

NodeJS + npm: https://nodejs.org/

wxBarcodeL: https://github.com/alsey/wxbarcode

lottie-web: https://github.com/airbnb/lottie-web

Animate.CSS: https://daneden.github.io/animate.css/

Wechat Cloud Service

Languages 使用语言

Javascript WXML WXSS