
Contains my personal setup for helix text editor

Helix Editor Configuration

This repository contains configuration files for the Helix editor, including config.toml and languages.toml. These configurations enhance the functionality of Helix with features such as automatic formatting, syntax highlighting, and language server support.

Table of Contents


Step 1: Install Helix Editor

First, you need to install the Helix editor. Follow these steps:

  1. Download the latest release from the Helix GitHub Releases.
  2. Extract the downloaded archive:
    tar -xJf helix-vX.Y.Z-x86_64-linux.tar.gz
  3. Move the extracted files to /usr/local/bin:
    sudo mv helix-vX.Y.Z-x86_64-linux/hx /usr/local/bin/

Ensure Helix is accessible from the command line:

hx --version

Step 2: Clone the Configuration Repository

Clone this repository to your local machine:

git clone https://github.com/Mohabdo21/Helix_configuration.git
cd Helix_configuration/helix

Step 3: Copy Configuration Files

Copy the configuration files to the Helix configuration directory:

mkdir -p ~/.config/helix
cp config.toml languages.toml ~/.config/helix/

Step 4: Fetch & Build languages grammar (tree-sitter)

sudo hx --grammar fetch
sudo hx --grammar build

Installing Language Servers and Formatters

The configuration files specify various Language Server Protocol (LSP) servers and formatters. Install these dependencies using the following commands:


# Language Servers
pip install 'python-lsp-server[all]'
npm install -g pyright

# Formatter
pip install autopep8

# Diagnostic Tool
pip install flake8

TypeScript and JavaScript

# Language Server
npm install -g typescript typescript-language-server

# Formatter and Linter
npm install -g prettier eslint


# Language Servers
npm install -g vscode-html-languageserver-bin vscode-css-languageserver-bin vscode-json-languageserver yaml-language-server

# Formatter
npm install -g prettier


# Language Server
npm install -g bash-language-server

# Formatter
sudo apt install shfmt


# Language Servers
npm install -g dockerfile-language-server-nodejs docker-compose-langserver


# Language Server
cargo install markdown-oxide


# Language Server
go install golang.org/x/tools/gopls@latest


# Language Server
sudo apt install clangd

# Formatter
sudo apt install clang-format


  • Relative Line Numbers: Displays line numbers relative to the current line for easy navigation.
  • Automatic Pairs: Automatically inserts matching pairs for brackets, quotes, etc.
  • Auto Formatting: Automatically formats code on save.
  • Indentation Guides: Visual guides for indentation levels.
  • Cursor Shapes: Custom cursor shapes for different modes (normal, insert, select).
  • Language Server Support: Integrated LSP support for enhanced code completion, linting, and diagnostics.
  • Statusline Customization: Customizable statusline with various indicators.


Contributions are welcome! Please fork this repository, make your changes, and open a pull request.