Hemlo 👋, I'm Mohaimin

A senior year undergraduate student from Bangladesh majoring in Computer Science & Engineering

  • 🔭 I’m currently working on AuthentiDocs

  • 🌱 I’m currently learning Machine Learning

  • 💬 Ask me about Postgresql, Svelte, Linux

  • 📫 Reach me at: abdullahalmohaimin1 at gmail dot com

Personal Website: mohaimin41.github.io

Connect with me:

abdullah-al-mohaimin mohaimin41 abdullahalmohaimin eh_he


c cplusplus java javascript typescript python

Development Tools and Cloud Platforms:

git linux azure

Frameworks, Libraries and Databases:

nodejs express svelte react arduino hugo postgresql mongodb

Machine Learning, Data Analytics and Visualization:

tensorflow matplotlib numpy

Security Tools:
