
MyShop is an E-Commerce website which is the one stop shop for all electronics products. This is an individual project with MERN as a techstack.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

MYSHOP E-Commerce-Project

MyShop is an E-Commerce website which is the one stop shop for all electronics products. This is an individual project with MERN as a techstack.

Small Presentation


Screenshot (64)

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Screenshot (71)

MYSHOP E-Commerce-Project Features

Some of the features are as follows-

  1. Full featured shopping cart
  2. Dynamic Routing
  3. Product reviews and ratings
  4. Top products carousel
  5. Product pagination
  6. Product search feature
  7. User profile with orders
  8. Admin product management
  9. Admin user management
  10. Admin Order details page
  11. Mark orders as delivered option
  12. Checkout process (shipping, payment method, etc)
  13. PayPal / credit card integration

Admin Login

Email - admin@example.com Password - 123456admin

Important Note

ES Modules in Node I used ECMAScript Modules in the backend in this project. Be sure to have at least Node v14.6+ or you will need to add the "--experimental-modules" flag.

Also, when importing a file (not a package), be sure to add .js at the end or you will get a "module not found" error

You can also install and setup Babel if you would like.