
XAttacker Tool PRO V30 Website Vulnerability Scanner & Auto Exploiter

XAttacker Tool PRO V30.9.9 Premium

XATTACKER Is A PROfessional Massive Exploiting Tool Capable of scanning and auto-exploiting vulnerabilities in web applications, By providing a target website to the tool, it auto detects its’ architecture if using a Content Management Service (CMS) and tries to find vulnerabilities based on the detected CMS, After finding the vulnerabilities the tool will generate an exploit for the website and send the user the link of the exploit.

              Exploits ListUsageTutorialPricingGallery


Short Form Long Form Description
-l --list WebSites List
-mu --multi Multithread Mode
-v --vuln Fixing A Vulnerability After GET ACCESS
-r --Random Random Shell File Name
-p --Proxy Connection With Proxy
-t --tools Show List Of Best Tools
-s --seller Show List Of Blackmarket Sellers Tools


if you have list websites run tool with this command line

perl XAttacker.pl -l list.txt

if you want run multithread

perl XAttacker.pl -multi

Main Features

  • Vulnerability Scanner
  • Auto-Exploiting
  • Multithread Attack
  • Fixing A Vulnerability After GET ACCESS
  • Connection With Proxy
  • Content Management System ATTACKER
  • cPanel / WHM / FTP / SMTP / RDP ATTACKER
  • Dork Search with more 50 Search Engines
  • Use Proxy & User Agent & Engine
  • Exploits and issues search
  • Payload Encoding
  • Reporting (Plain text, JSON, XML, Markdown, CSV)
  • Target enumeration from an IP range
  • Default configuration from file


This Tool Is For Educational Purpose Only, Usage Of XATTACKER For Attacking Targets Without Prior Mutual Consent Is Illegal. Developers Assume No Liability And Are Not Responsible For Any Misuse Or Damage Cause By This Program.

Tools Overview

Front View Multithread Feature Dork Feature
Index f f
Seller Tools IPGrabb Feature Pentester Tools
Index f f

SYSTEMS Vulnerability List :

wordpress - Adblock Blocker
- Adminimize
- Adning Advertising
- Adrotate
- All In One Favicon
- Antispam Bee
- Atcontent
- Audio Player
- Audio Record
- Augmented Reality
- Backupwordpress
- Barclaycart
- Bbe Theme
- Bbpress
- Better Wp Security
- Bigcontact
- Blaze
- Breadcrumb Navxt
- Broken Link Checker
- Buddypress
- Buddypress Media
- Buddypress Media
- Budyshare
- Bulletproof Security
- Caldera Forms Pro
- Captcha
- Catpro
- Cbnet Ping Optimizer
- Cherry Plugin
- Chi̇Ld Theme
- Clockstone Theme
- Connections
- Contact Form Manager
- Content Injection
- Cubed
- Digg Digg
- Disable Comments
- Disable Comments
- Display Widgets
- Dmsguestbook
- Download Manager
- Duplicate Post
- Duplicator
- Dzs Zoomsounds
- Easing Slider
- Easy Adsense Lite
- Easy Contact Forms
- Easy Fancybox
- Easy Smtp
- Eshop
- Events Manager
- Exclude Pages
- Ez Done File Manager
- Feedwordpress
- File Manager
- Flash Album Gallery
- Flatsome
- Form Maker
- Formcraft
- Gallery Plugin
- Google Analyticator
- Googleanalytics
- Gravity Forms
- Hello Dolly
- Holding_Pattern Theme
- Hotfix
- Hyper Cache
- Image Widget
- Inboundio Marketing
- Infinitewp
- Insert Or Embed
- Jobcareer
- Jquery Colorbox
- Konzept
- Levoslide Show
- Lightbox Plus
- Link Manager
- List Category Posts
- Mailchimp
- Maintenance Mode
- Meteor Slides
- Ml Slider
- Mobile App Native
- Mtheme Unus
- Newsletter
- Ninja Forms
- Omni Secure Files
- Options Framework
- Page Links To
- Php Event Calendar
- Phpunit
- Pinboard
- Pinfinity
- Pitchprint
- Portfolio Slideshow
- Post Types Order
- Power Zoomer
- Powerpress
- Pretty Link
- Printfriendly
- Qtranslate
- Quick Adsense
- Quick Cache
- Rank Math
- Ready Ecommerce
- Reflex Gallery
- Revslider
- Rightnow Theme
- Rotatingtweets
- Satoshi
- Search And Replace
- Seo Automatic Links
- Seo Image
- Seo Ultimate
- Share This
- Shareaholic
- Showbiz
- SiContact Form
- Simple Ads Manager
- Simple Backup
- Simple File List
- Simple Local Avatars
- Simple Login Log
- Simple Map
- Simple Optimizer
- Simple Page Sidebars
- Simple Popup Manager
- Simple Popup Plugin
- Simple Post Template
- Simple Slider Ssp
- Simple Social Icons
- Simple Staff List
- Simple Tags
- Simple Urls
- Simplemodal Login
- Simplepress
- Simplest Gallery
- Simply Exclude
- Simply Instagram
- Siteorigin Panels
- Sitetree
- Skimlinks
- Skype Master
- Skype Online Status
- Slick Contact Forms
- Slick Tab
- Slickquiz
- Slickr Flickr
- Slide Show Pro
- Slidedeck2
- Slideshow
- Slideshow Gallery
- Slimjetpack
- Smart Donations
- Smart Slider 2
- Smooth Scroll Up
- Sociable
- Soliloquy Lite
- Spam Free Wordpress
- Statpress Visitors
- Stream Video Player
- Strictly Autotags
- Subscribe2
- Super Interactive Maps
- Superlogoshowcase
- Superstorefinder
- Supportcandy
- Swape
- Synoptic
- SuperForms
- Syntaxhighlighter
- Tajer
- Testimonials Widget
- Tevolution
- Theme My Login
- Themeregex
- Tinymce Advanced
- Tubepress
- Twitter Widget Pro
- Ungallery
- Updraftplus
- Watupro
- Webapp Builder
- Webp Express
- Widget Logic
- Woocommerce
- Woocommerce Products Filter
- Wordcamp
- Wordpress Https
- Work The Flow
- WpDb Backup
- WpDbmanager
- Wp ECommerce
- WpEasy Gallery
- WpFilebase
- WpJobManger
- WpJqueryLightbox
- WpLightbox 2
- WpLiveChat
- WpMailSmtp
- WpMaintenanceMode
- Wp Miniaudioplayer
- WpMobileDetector
- Wp Pagenavi
- WpPhotoAlbumPlus
- WpPiwik
- WpPostratings
- WpShop
- WpSlimstat
- WpSmushit
- WpSuperCache
- WpTimeCapsule
- WpToTwitter
- Wp125
- WP RecPost
- Wpdiscuz
- Wpgraphql
- Wponlinebackup
- Wpsnippets
- Wptouch
- Wysija
- Wysija Newsletters
- Xhanch My Twitter
- Xml Sitemap Feed
- Yoast Seo
- Youtube Embed
- Zielke Specialized
- Zoomsounds
Joomla - com_acym
- com_acymailing
- com_acysms
- com_acysms_express
- com_adagency
- com_addressbook
- com_adds
- com_admin
- com_ads_Manager
- com_adsmanager
- com_adsmanager
- com_advancedpoll
- com_advert
- com_advertisementboard
- com_advertising
- com_affiliatetracker
- com_agency
- com_agenda
- com_agora
- com_agoragroup
- com_aicontactsafe
- com_aindexdictionaries
- com_airmonoblock
- com_aist
- com_ajax
- com_ajaxchat
- com_ajaxquiz
- com_ajaxshoutbox
- com_akeeba
- com_akobook
- com_akocomment
- com_akogallery
- com_alameda
- com_alberghi
- com_album
- com_alert
- com_alfcontact
- com_alfresco
- com_alfurqan
- com_alfurqan15x
- com_allcinevid
- com_allhotels
- com_alphacontent
- com_alphacontent
- com_alphauserpoints
- com_altas
- com_altauserpoints
- com_asortyment
- com_astatspro
- com_auctionfactory
- com_autartimonial
- com_autartitarot
- com_autostand
- com_availcal
- com_avosbillets
- com_avreloaded
- com_awd_song
- com_awdwall
- com_awesom
- com_awiki
- com_aysquiz
- com_b2jcontact
- com_b2portfolio
- com_babackup
- com_banners
- com_bayesiannaivefilter
- com_bazaar
- com_bbs
- com_bcarsssyndicator
- com_beamospetition
- com_beamospetition
- com_bearleague
- com_beeheard
- com_bfquiz_sqli
- com_bfquiztrial
- com_bfsurvey
- com_bfsurvey_basic
- com_bfsurvey_pro
- com_bfsurvey_profree
- com_biblestudy
- com_biblioteca
- com_bidding
- com_biitatemplateshop
- com_billyportfolio
- com_biographies
- com_bit
- com_blog
- com_blog
- com_blog_calendar
- com_blogfactory
- com_bnf
- com_book
- com_bookflip
- com_bookjoomlas
- com_booklibrary
- com_bt_portfolio
- com_ccinvoices
- com_ccnewsletter
- com_cgtestimonial
- com_checklist
- com_chronoconnectivity
- com_chronocontact
- com_cinema
- com_civicrm
- com_civicrm
- com_cjlib
- com_ckforms
- com_clan
- com_clan_members
- com_clanlist
- com_clantools
- com_clasifier
- com_classified
- com_classifieds
- com_clickheat
- com_cloner
- com_clubmanager
- com_cmimarketplace
- com_cmotour
- com_cms
- com_collectionfactory
- com_collector
- com_colophon
- com_dirfrm
- com_djclassifieds
- com_equipment
- com_extcalendar
- com_extplorer
- com_extplorer
- com_fabrik
- com_facileforms
- com_facileforms
- com_fireboard
- com_foxcontact
- com_golfcourseguide
- com_huruhelpdesk
- com_iproperty
- com_itarmory
- com_jbcatalog
- com_jbcatalog
- com_jce
- com_jdownloads
- com_jinc
- com_jmultimedia
- com_jnews
- com_jnewsletter
- com_jomtube
- com_joomdle
- com_joomlavisites
- com_jssupportTicket
- com_jwallpapers
- com_maian15
- com_maianmedia
- com_media
- com_mod_simplefileupload
- com_neorecruit
- com_oziogallery
- com_oziogallery
- com_qcontacts
- com_redmystic
- com_rokdownloads
- com_rokdownloads
- com_rsform
- com_sexycontactform
- com_sexycontactform
- com_simplephotogallery
- com_simpleshop
- com_spa
- com_staticxt
- com_users
- com_vxdate
- com_wallpapers
- com_waticketsystem
- com_wdsubscriptions
- com_webeecomment
- com_weberpcustomer
- com_webhosting
- com_weblinks
- com_weblinks
- com_webring
- com_webtv
- com_wgpicasa
- com_wines
- com_wire_immogest
- com_wisroyq
- com_wkoc
- com_wmi
- com_wmt_content_timeline
- com_wmtgallery
- com_wmtpic
- com_wmtportfolio
- com_wmtrssreader
- com_worldrates
- com_wrapper
- com_xball
- com_xcloner
- com_xcomp
- com_xeslidegalfx
- com_xevidmegahd
- com_xewebtv
- com_xfaq
- com_xgallery
- com_xmap
- com_xmovie
- com_xobbix
- com_xshop
- com_xsstreamdm
- com_xvs
- com_yanc
- com_ybggal
- com_yellowpages
- com_yelp
- com_yjcontactus
- com_ynews
- com_youmpi
- com_youtube
- com_youtubegallery
- com_yvcomment
- com_zcalendar
- com_zelig
- com_zhbaidumap
- com_zhgooglemap
- com_zhyandexmap
- com_zimbcomment
- com_zimbcore
- com_zina
- com_zina
- com_zoom
- com_zoomportfolio
- com_ztautolink
- socialpinboard
Prestashop - 1attributewizardpro
- Addcartbutton
- AdminModules
- AdminModulesOLD
- AttributewizardproOLD
- C_Exportproducts
- C_ExportproductsOld
- Contactform_homepage
- Countdowntimer
- PM_AdvancedSearch4
- Shop_faq
- Sliderofbrand_logos
- Vtermslideshow
- advancedslider
- attributewizardpro
- attributewizardpro_x
- blocktestimonial
- cartabandonmentpro
- cartabandonmentproOld
- columnadverts
- fieldvmegamenu
- homepageadvertise
- homepageadvertise2
- jro_homepageadvertise
- masseditproduct
- megamenu
- nvn_export_orders
- pk_flexmenu
- pk_vertflexmenu
- productcomments
- productcommentsold
- productpageadverts
- psmodthemeoptionpanel
- simpleslideshow
- soopabanners
- soopamobile
- tdpsthemeoptionpanel
- videostab
- wdoptionpanel
- wg24themeadministration
- cms_relatedproducts
Drupal - Add New Admin
- Avatar Uploader
- Drupal 5.21/6.16 DOS
- Drupal 7.12 CSRF
- Drupalgeddon2
- IMCE Dir
- Inject FUl
- PaisDigital
- Pubdlcnt
- REST Module
- RESTful W.S.U
- Webform Multiple File
Opencart - QantityDM
- Clientdashboard
- OpenCart 3.0.3
- Joomla jCart
- Optionview
- Pdf4affiliate
- Product2pdf
Magento - Add NEW Admin
- Contact File Upload
- Add2Img
- Magento WooCommerce
- SurgeMail
- Prostore
- Simplecache
- Simpletags
- Customertrack
- Gallerymaker



Subscription Price Purchase Link
XAttacker PRO V30 With 1 Month Key 100 USD Version
XAttacker PRO v30 With 3 Months Key 200 USD Version
XAttacker PRO V30 With Lifetime Key 300 USD Version



Found XATTACKER cool? just drop a THANK YOU this will motivate me to create more exciting stuffs for you

The Difference Between FREE And PRO Version

Features FREE PRO
Vulnerability Scanner Version Version
Auto Exploiting Version Version
Auto CMS Detect Version Version
Dork Search Version Version
Multithread Attack Version Version
Fixing A Vulnerability Version Version
Connection With Proxy Version Version
Payload Encoding Version Version
cPanel Attack Version Version
WHMCS Attack Version Version
FTP Attack Version Version
SSH Attack Version Version
RDP Attack Version Version
SMTP Attack Version Version

📧 Contact

You Want ASK About All My TOOLS Or BUY Tools/Exploits Private THIS IS ALL MY LINKS :