Pointer - Buitenbeentjes

Screenshot 2020-01-20 at 15 31 30

This project is about a datavis made in D3.

Het concept

  • Naam: Buitenbeentjes
  • Doelgroep: Pointer
  • Doel van het concept: Overzicht krijgen van de data van de zorginstellingen op een exploratieve manier


  • Giving information on hover
  • Make your own list with zorgbedrijven just click on the company point
  • Dynamic Axis menus from the data
  • Axis are changable
  • You can zoom in and out on the scatterplot
  • Year slider

API reference


Installation and running localhost

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine.

  • If you dont have node js on your device download it first from here.
  • Download the project.
  • Open the terminal and navigate to the project folder and run npm install to install the node modules and dependencies.
  • Run in your terminal npm start to open the project in your favorite browser localhost:1234.


I used Netlify te deploy my project more information about Netlify click hier

Netlify Status


Thanks to Pointer for sharing their project and knowledge about the problem. And thanks to my teachers and colleagues for their help and sharing their knowledge. Thanks to Aleereza for the example.


  • Developer: Mohamad Al Ghorani

  • Developer: Wiebe Kremer

  • Designer: Bram Reitsma


Code is MIT