
This is a simple camera app for the android platform using Cordova.

Link to the apk:

Link to the livesite:

alt tag

How its Made:

Tech used: Cordova, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Why was this stack chosen?

Cordova provides the possibility to build apps for Android / iOS platforms with the HTML/CSS/JavaScript stack, removing the need to use native languages such as Java, and Kotlin... It also provides robust & easy to use plugins that make the development process fairly straightforward. This app utilizes the Cordova camera plugin. The user is greeted with a page that shows a button; when pressed, it launches the camera application and takes a pic, this image is stored in the device's local storage. This app currently has no back end and the picture resides only on the user's device.

Lessons Learned:

Learnt the use of Cordova & the Cordova camera plugin. Installed Node, Java sdk, Gradle & Android Studio

Cordova makes building and deploying Android/iOS apps very easy for the JavaScript Engineer.

Special thanks to Steve Griffith for the awesome classes covering development for Cordova and many other platforms!