
This repository contains the code which we have used for a computer project allowing users to make an account,read details as well as several other actions.

Problem statements:- The transactions have to be secured by using file level encryption-decryption. Possible foray: Encryption and decryption at files.

   Following are the details to be stored in an account:
  • Customer name

  • Bank account number

  • IFSC code

  • Balance(savings account)

  • UPI handler

  • UPI password

      Following transactions are required:
  • Withdraw money(UPI)

  • NEFT

  • (debit+credit)

  • Balance enquiry

  • Register for UPI handler/change UPI password

Progress so far:

1.Main page and access points options Alt text

2.Page to add records Alt text

3.Page to view customer list Alt text

4.Page to update customer information Alt text