
It would be better to execute this program in google colab.


The purpose of this system is to allow users to get recommendations for their favourite shows

Libraries needed for the program are:-

  1. import networkx as nx
  2. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  3. import pandas as pd
  4. import numpy as np
  5. import math as math
  6. import time

Additional features to be added:-

  • Add a GUI.
  • Add more features which can be connected to the file(rather than just genre).
  • Add a file uploader in the GUI to allow for different files to be used as well as the option to alter the options on which the recommendations must be searched.
  • Allow for a search function in GUI to allow the user to view the titles of the websites from the .csv file.

How to contribute:-

  1. Identify and raise an issue or ask to be assigned to a present issue.
  2. Fork the project
  3. Perform git clone on your fork and perform the changes on your local system.
  4. Enter git add your relevant files then enter git commit -m "You message".
  5. Finally enter git push.
  6. Then go to github and press the contribute button to raise a pull request.
  7. Wait untill a reviewer sees your code and changes to the code.