Hey there! I'm Mohamed Hashem

👨🏻‍💻  About Me

💡   I'm an Honest and Innovative Software Engineer with Good experience in building and maintaining websites using Node js , Express , Monogo DB and MySQL.
💻  I've background includes graphics work and performance optimization and Proficient in Frontend Development as HTML, CSS , Bootstrap , JavaScript ,TypeScript , jQuery , Pug Js and React Js .
💻  I'm a passionate about usability and possess working knowledge of Database, Os , Java , C++ and OOP ..
🎓  I have been studied Computer Science and Mathematics at Menoufia University in Egypt.
🌱  I'm on track for learning more about Software Development, Systems Design and Problem Solving Technique.
✍️  Iin my free time, I pursue Reading Books and make Videos Tips and Tricks on my Youtube channel.
💬  Feel free to reach out to me for pro bono consulting and volunteering, or just for some interesting discussion.
✉️  You can shoot me an email at hamo.hashem2019@gmail.com ! I'll try to respond as soon as I can.
📄   Please have a look at my Résumé for more details about me. I'm open to feedback and suggestions!\

🛠  Tech Stack

Prgoramming Languages :

C++  JavaScript  Java 

Frontend Technology :

HTML  JS  TS  Sass  Bootstrap jQuery React  Redux  pug  Git  GitHub 

Backend Technology :

Node.js  express  mySql  sequelize  mongoDB  mongoose 

Software Development Tools :

Visual Studio Code  postman 

Operating System Used :

linux windows

⚙️  GitHub Analytics

🤝🏻  Connect with Me

Credits: Mohamed Hashem