
EduBejaia is an innovative platform dedicated to enhancing the educational experience at Université de Béjaïa. This platform is designed to meet the diverse needs of both students and teachers


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eduBejaia eduBejaia is an innovative platform designed to enhance the learning experience at Université de Béjaïa. We focus on providing tools that are user-friendly, efficient, and effective for both students and teachers.

After establishing our platform at Université de Béjaïa, we plan to expand eduBejaia to universities across Algeria. Our goal is to elevate education and foster academic collaboration nationwide.


Our primary goal is to revolutionize the educational experience in Algeria by providing a modern platform that bridges the gap between students and teachers. We aim to:

  • 🎓 Facilitate seamless communication and collaboration within the academic community.
  • 📚 Offer interactive and engaging tools for learning and teaching.
  • 🌍 Create an inclusive platform that supports a diverse range of users.


Our team is composed of passionate educators, developers, and designers who are committed to transforming education in Algeria. We believe that a collaborative effort is key to achieving our mission.

  • Founder & Lead Developer: Mohamed Boukhanouf
  • UI/UX Designers:
    • Boukhanouf mohamed
    • Massy mekzine
    • Empty, join us.
    • Empty, join us.
  • Backend Development: We currently don't have any backend developers and are seeking help to implement the backend. If you're interested in contributing, please Join Us!

Join Us

We are always looking for talented and passionate individuals to join our team. If you're interested in contributing to eduBejaia, whether through development, design, or outreach, we'd love to hear from you! We have a Telegram Group where we discuss ideas, share progress, and collaborate on the project. Please check our Contributing Guidelines to get started.


UI/UX Design

  • 📝 UX Research: We start by understanding the needs of students and teachers through surveys, interviews, and user personas
  • 🎨 UI Design & Prototyping: After research, we create wireframes and prototypes to visually design the platform, ensuring it's both functional and user-friendly.

Development Process

  • 💻 Frontend Development: We plan to use React.js/Next.js for the web platform and React Native for the mobile app.
  • 🔧 Backend Development: Currently in the planning stages, we're seeking contributors to help us build a robust backend.


For any questions, support, or inquiries, please reach out to us at boukhanoufmohammed@gmail.com or fimd me on mohamedux.com We're excited to have you on this journey with us as we work to transform education in Algeria!