
Flutter E-Commerce App using Firebase, Razorpay and Stripe

Flutter E-Commerce App using Firebase, Razorpay and Stripe


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Shoppers is an eCommerce app inspired by Flutter framerwork, made by Google. With the mission of reducing 100+ hours of business spent on designing, developing and testing a mobile app, Shoppers comes as a complete solution for optimizing to deliver your app to the market with high productivity and cost-efficiency. It could be able to satisfy all of the business requirements including e-commerce functionalities, impressive UX design and smooth performance on both iOS and Android devices. The download package is included the full source code and many related resources (designs, documents, videos…) that help you install in the smoothest way.

Either you are business people with raising sale ambition or developers with faster mobile application creation need, Shoppers provides you solutions. Faster- Smoother- Closer.


  • Easy to use.

  • Sign In and Sign Up with Email

  • Sign In with Facebook

  • Sign In with Google

  • Flutter firebase phone authentication (Test: +919852954321, CODE: 333333)

  • Push notification

  • Clean Code And Well Documented.

  • Bloc pattern

  • Custom Carousel Slider

  • Easy setup

  • Form Validation

  • Change app icon easily

  • Onboarding screens

  • Admin dashboard

  • Role management

  • Stripe payment gateway

  • Razorpay payment gateway

  • Full e-commerce features – Dynamic Product variants, checkout process, order tracking, order notes, wishlist, manage address.

  • Great UX design multi-level categories, quick product filter, super smooth checkout flow, searching keyword history…

  • Flexible Design System – easy to config the logo and style.

  • Powerful User Setting – the ability to enable the push notification, view wishlist, order history.

  • Push notification

  • Offline Images Caching – speed up the loading performance with caching image offline method.

  • Realtime

  • 60 frames per second (fps) app – working really well on both iOS and Android with support with

What will you get?

  • Full Dart source code
  • Free version upgrade
  • Free Video tourtial, please subscribe

Thank You

Thank you for purchasing Shoppers – Flutter E-Commerce App using Firebase and Stripe. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to create an issue here. Thanks so much!


We believe you have installed flutter in your system if not then install flutter

Use stable version of flutter.

flutter channel stable
flutter upgrade


flutter run


1. App name/icon, Bundle ID

1.1 Change the app name:

IOS app:

  • Open ios/Runnder/Info.plist and replace the Shoppers by your App Name
  • Make sure to clean up the cache by running following scipt to clean the previous cache
flutter clean
flutter build ios

It's possible to change via XCode - https://i.imgur.com/HQCNxUT.png The facebook app name and App ID could be change from this file as well

Android app:

  • open android/app/main/res/values/strings.xml and replace Shoppers by your app name:

<string name="app_name">Shoppers</string>

  • Open android/app/src/main/AndroidManifes.xml and replace Shoppers by your app name:

<application android:label="Shoppers"

1.2 Change the app Bundle ID:

Android app: Search on android folder and replace following file

  • android/app/build.gradle
  • android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
  • android/app/src/main/java/com/example/flutact/MainActivity.java
  • Rename the folderandroid/app/src/main/java/com/example/flutact to your own bundle name, example: if you bunndle id is com.ins.myapp android/app/src/main/java/com/ins/flux
  • Please note that the file android/app/google-services.json should be change to match with your new bundle id, otherwise the app will be crash.

iOS app: Open XCode and replace by this screenshot - https://i.imgur.com/HQCNxUT.png

2. Logo

Open lib/utils/config.dart to map your new image Logo or text Logo.

const Logo = {
  "title": "Shoppers",
  "fontSize": 24.0,
  "fontFamily": "Fashion",
  "isImage": false,
  "isAsset": false,
      "https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/cdn1.mullenlowegroup.com/uploads/sites/43/2016/06/flipkart-logo-2.jpg" // ----> If isImage true then add image URL, Also make isAsset true if you have kept your image in Asset File.

3. App Main Color

Open lib/utils/config.dart and change the app main color.

const Settings = {
  "Setting": {"MainColor": "#3a4660"}

4. Default Font and Header Font

Open pubspec.yaml and replace with your new font file that already copied to the asset folder:

    - family: Fashion
        - asset: assets/Fashion.ttf

Coding Gruide: go to the utils/styles.dart and change to new fontFamily. Make sure the spacing align correctly.

5. Default Country Code, symbol

Open utils/tools.dart file and update the menu section

  "symbol": "\$",

Firebase configuration

  • Create a firebase project

  • iOS

    • Create an iOS app in the firebase console.
    • Download the Googleservice-info.plist file
    • Replace the file in "ios/Runner"
  • Android

    • Create an Android app in the firebase console.
    • Download the google-services.json file
    • Replace the file in "android/app"
When you run your app you might get an error containing "google secure content" replace the out error in info.plist file in "ios/Runner/info.plist"

Run the project.

  • Don't forget to enable email and Gmail authentication and enable firestore database.

Facebook configuration

  • Create a facebook app
  • Enable facebook authentication in firebase
  • Don't forget to enable email and Gmail authentication.
  • Follow the facebook installation process on their website.
  • Change the facebook app id in Android-manifest.xml and info.plist

Push notification

  • User will be asked to allow push notification in iOS, in android it is allowed by default.
  • Token will be saved in user/user-id/tokens collection.
  • To test push notification open tab cloud messaging in firebase console.
  • Select the token from the above collection
  • Add the title and message and send it.

Change app icon

open pubspec.yml

  android: "launcher_icon" 
  ios: true
  image_path: "assets/icon/icon.png"
change the image_path to match your own

flutter pub get
flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main

Onboarding screens

  • Open lib/screens/intro.dart
  • Change the color, text, and images to match yours.

Firebase functions code base.

1. Change the default project to your project name

open .firebaserc file. It's in backend project

  "projects": {
    "default": "<your-project-id>"

you will get project id from firebase console. Also make sure you login with the same credentials that you have access to firebase project.

2. Change stripe and Razorpay key

  "stripe": {
    "token": "sk_test_***"

firebase functions:config:set stripe.token=sk_test_**
firebase functions:config:set rzp.key_id=<key_id> rzp.secre=<secret>

3. Deploy the functions

  • Use node version 8.x.x

firebase deploy --only functions

Role management - firebase functions changes

open src/index.ts

// In setRole funtion comment this line and deploy the funtion. 
// Change the role as admin for yourself and then uncomment this line and deploy the function.

// TODO:(DEVELOPERS) -- Comment the below line to add admin for the first time.

if (!isAdmin) {
	// Throwing an HttpsError so that the client gets the error details.
	throw new functions.https.HttpsError(
		'The function must be called ' + 'only by an administrator'

// This is a one time process. When you uncomment that line it ensures that only admin is allowed to change the role.

Role management - mobile app changes

open lib/screens/home.dart

bool isAdmin = widget.user.role == 'admin' ? true : false;

// Change the above line as 

 bool isAdmin = widget.user.role == 'admin' ? true : true;
 // Change your role as admin and change the above line as 
 bool isAdmin = widget.user.role == 'admin' ? true : false;


open lib/utils/config.dart and change

const StripeConfig = {
  "publishableKey": "pk_test_*****",
  "merchantId": "Test",
  "androidPayMode": 'test',
  "enabled": true,


open lib/utils/config.dart and change

 const RazorpayConfig = {
  "keyId": "rzp_test_*****",
  "callbackUrl": "http://example.com",
  "paymentMethodId": "razorpay",
  "enabled": false,

Possible solution to problem you face with release apk

Once again, thank you so much for purchasing this item. As I said at the beginning, I'd be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this. No guarantees, but I'll do my best to assist. If you have a more general question relating to the items on codecanyon, you might consider visiting the forums and asking your question in the "Item Discussion" section.