Mohamed AlQadeery Repo

General -> General tasks received in course or home

Code the design using HTML/CSS and make it responsive

Code the design using HTML/CSS and make it responsive

Exercise for Generic List

Add documation for the api and loclaiztion

Simple Post MVC Crud (No EF Core)

the project was written in one layer (Web api project) rewrite this code using clean architecture

Simple Customer CRUD (No EF Core)
use Javascript Promises (fetch-api) to add and display customers

Angular task that cover directives (ngIF,ngFor) and covers NgStyle

Angular task that cover template driven forms

Angular task that cover reactive forms

Frontend -> Tasks related to front end projects Angular etc..

-First Project
Code the design using HTML/CSS and make it responsive

Make todo app using core web api as backend and pure javascript in frontend

Refactor the todo app from pure javascript to using type script

Make first angular app and 2 components warning alert and success alert and display them beneath each other

Backend->Tasks related to backend core/web api etc..

use the profolio design we made in front end task and create the backend for it using core MVC

use the profolio design we made in front end task and create the backend for it using core Web Api