Nest.JS Data Transformation Task


The task aims to transform a mongoDB collection provided by restaurant brands, which contained many inconsistencies and errors, into a unified format using the provided Mongoose schema, additionally expanding the dataset with new seed data.

To run this project

Step 1 : To use this project must install Node.js, Nest.Js and Mongodb Then Download the source code

git clone

Step 2 : Enter the project file then install package

npm i

Step 3 : Run server on watch mode :

npm run start:dev

Step 4 : Import a brands.json json file to Restaurant mongoDB collection named brands

Step 5 : To run command to generating 10 new brand documents (seed & faker) :

npx nestjs-command create:brand

Step 7 : Open postman and import : API Collation You will find it in the project file.

Step 8 : To start brand data transformation hit POST API :

Step 9 : To export transform brands data as new-brands.json hit GET API :

# development
npm run start

# watch mode
npm run start:dev

# production mode
npm run start:prod


# unit tests
npm run test

# e2e tests
npm run test:e2e

# test coverage
npm run test:cov