Network Multiple Intrusion Detection System

The rapid growth of the internet and communication industries has led to an expansion of both networks and data. This has also resulted in an increase of security threats and difficulties in detecting network intrusions.Intruders with malicious intents pose a major danger to the network's confidentiality, integrity, and availability. In order to decrease these risks, network traffic is monitored and any intrusions are stopped using a network intrusion detection system (NIDS). Machine learning (ML) is being used to detect network attacks through the usage of ML-based Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS).These systems' main objective is to offer effective network-wide detection.The expansion of connected devices and network intrusion detection systems faces challenges at every stage of development and operation as attacker tactics and methods constantly change. As a result, ML methods are increasingly used in NIDS.



Install with pip MultipleNIDS

  cd MultipleNIDS
  pip install pandas numpy sklearn streamlit