Implementation of Java Beans, Bean Session with Stateful and Stateless, for the understanding of the difference between Stateful and Stateless Beans, Object Serialization, API Query, SQL in Java, EJB. Furthermore, I introduced my self to the building of a Java app : .jar compression, java compilator, PostgreSQL database and GlassFish server. Done in a book management example.
Compile files in "Server" File javac *a mkdir META-INF jar cvf Exo1.jar *s META-INF jar tvf Exo1.jar asadmin start-domain asadmin deploy --force Exo1.jar Compile Client (example) javac -classpath Exo1.jar java -cp "%CLASSPATH%;Exo1.jar" --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED Client javac biblio\*a del emprunt\*_* jar cvf TP2.jar biblio\*s META-INF\*xml Copy the TP2.jar to the client directory asadmin deploy --force TP3.jar javac -classpath TP2.jar java -cp "%CLASSPATH%;TP2.jar" --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED Client javac emprunt\*a del emprunt\*_* jar cvf TP3.jar emprunt\*s META-INF\*xml Copy the TP3.jar to the client directory asadmin deploy --force TP3.jar javac -classpath TP3.jar java -cp "%CLASSPATH%;TP3.jar" --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED ClientMohamedDiopGit/Java-DataBase
Java school courses with the use of Bean Session,, API Query, GlassFish Server and PostgreSQL. Part of the Java Developement course followed by students of Mines St Etienne, ISMIN - M2 Computer Science.