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Add arithmetic operators (add, subtract, multiply, divide) to make the following expressions true. You can use any parentheses you’d like. 3 1 3 9 = 12 ((3+1)/3)*9

  func test() throws {
      let codeChallange = CodeChallange()
      XCTAssertEqual(codeChallange.fibonacciRecursion(n: 10),codeChallange.fibonacciIteration(n: 10))
      XCTAssertEqual("debit card".isAnagramWith(secondString: "bad credit"), true)
      XCTAssertEqual("debitcardo".isAnagramWith(secondString: "bad credit"), false)
      XCTAssertEqual("punishments".isAnagramWith(secondString: "ninethumps"), true)
      XCTAssertEqual("punishments".isAnagramWith(secondString: "ninethums"), false)

AppDelegate let codeChallange = CodeChallange() codeChallange.checkAnagrams(first: "debit card", second: "bad credit") codeChallange.checkAnagrams(first: "punishments", second: "ninethumps") print(codeChallange.fibonacciRecursion(n: 10)) print(codeChallange.fibonacciIteration(n: 10))

        Which architecture would you use for the required task
     I would use MVC for simplicty as long as there are no much need for code resuability or massive vc
     But I used MVVM as required