
Route Jobfair Task to Visualize Customer Data

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Customer Transaction Data Visualization

This project uses json-server to create an API from the JSON file that holds the customer transaction data. It also uses the template repository kitloong/json-server-vercel that deploys the API to Vercel.


To show the graph of a user just click on the user row on the table

API Endpoints

  1. For Customers: https://jobfair-task-w6uv.vercel.app/customers
  2. For Transactions: https://jobfair-task-w6uv.vercel.app/transactions

Data Visualization

The project also uses chart.js library to plot and visaulize the data.

How To Run Locally

To run the project locally:

  1. Prerequisites: Ensure that Node.js and Git are installed on your machine.

  2. Clone the Repository: Open your terminal or command prompt and run the following command:

git clone https://github.com/MohamedEmary/jobfair-task.git
  1. Install Dependencies: Change to the project directory and install the dependencies:
cd jobfair-task
npm install
  1. Run the JSON Server:
json-server --port 3000 db.json
  1. Update API Endpoints: In the public/app.js file, update the API endpoints as follows:
  1. Open the Application: Finally, open the public/index.html file in your browser.