
Bank System based on MS SQL Server

Primary LanguageC#

Project Name

Bank System


The Bank System project is a C# application that aims to create a comprehensive system to manage multiple banks, their branches, customers, loans, and accounts. The system allows users to perform various operations such as signing up new users, updating user details, adding banks and branches, adding customers, and performing operations on loans.

Table of Contents


The Banking System provides the following functionalities:

  1. Signing up a new user: Users, including customers and employees, can sign up and create their profiles in the system.

  2. Updating user details: Users can update their personal information and account details.

  3. Add bank (by admin): The system allows the administrator to add new banks, including their name, code, and address.

  4. Add bank branch (by admin): The administrator can add new branches to existing banks, specifying the branch address and number.

  5. Add a customer (by employee): Employees have the ability to add new customers to the system, including their SSN, name, phone number, and address.

  6. Showing a list of loans: The system provides a list of available loans, including industry loans, commercial loans, and personal loans.

  7. Showing a list of customers: Users can view a list of all customers registered in the system.

  8. Showing a list of loans with customer name and employee name: The system displays a list of loans along with the names of the associated customer and employee.

  9. Performing operations on loans: Customers can request loans and start loan operations. Employees can accept or reject loan requests and manage loan payments.


Once the Banking System is running, users can access the system through the provided user interface. They can sign up, log in, and perform various operations based on their roles and permissions.

For example, customers can view available loans, request loans, and manage their accounts. Employees, on the other hand, have additional capabilities such as adding customers, managing loan requests, and accepting loan payments.


Contributions to the Banking System project are welcome. If you would like to contribute, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Make changes and add them: git add .
  4. Commit your changes: git commit -m "Add some feature"
  5. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  6. Submit a pull request explaining your changes

Team Members

Name ID Email Linked-In
Maya Ayman Zain El-Din (Leader) 20210508 mayazaineldin@gmail.com MayaZayn
Mohamed Essam Mahmoud Osman 20210346 messam.sde@gmail.com Mohamed-Essam71
Sara Adel Hanafy 20211046 saraadel6122@gmail.com saraadel6
Mai Mohamed Khalil Mohamed 20211098 maimuhamedkhalil@gmail.com MaiMuhammad