
A Full stack, fully responsive Instagram like app

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A Full-stack, fully responsive instagram-like app.

Only for educational purposes.

Live Demo · Request Feature . Report Bug

Tools used:

React.js · Next.js . SSR . Next-auth . Firebase . Recoil . Faker . Tailwind . HeadlessUI . HeroIcons . React Moment . Vercel


  • Authintication (sign in with google)
  • Publish new posts with images and text.
  • Comment on posts.
  • Like posts.
  • Everything is stored on Firebase Store.
  • Session stored in browser so you signin just one time and it'll be saved.

How to use

Go to https://instagramc.vercel.app and sign in with a google account.
You can post, like, comment as you like it's a free account. Enjoy!

Use on your local machine

  • Fork this repo
  • Clone your forked repo to your machine
  • Execute the 2 following commands to run locally:
npm install
npm run dev
  • Open your browser on localhost:3000

Deploy on your own Vercel instance

Deploy to Vercel