
Dockerfile for Vim

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Dockerfile for Vim

Latest Vim from vim/vim.

$ docker run --rm -it thinca/vim

Workaround for terminal size problem

Sometimes terminal size is broken. (Maybe, Docker sets terminal size too late) Here is a workaround to this problem.

$ docker run --rm -it -e COLUMNS="$(tput cols)" -e LINES="$(tput lines)" thinca/vim

Base image

The following base images are available.

Build Arguments

Note: Buildkit is required to build this image:



A Git commit reference in Vim repository. e.g. tag name v8.0.0000 or commit hash df980db6

default: master

$ docker build --build-arg 'VIM_VERSION=v8.0.0000' --tag 'vim:v8.0.0000' .


When this is not empty, all other VIM_ENABLE_XXX flags are enabled. You can overwrite by each variables.

default: empty

ex. Enables only Lua interface.

$ docker build --build-arg 'VIM_ENABLE_ALL=' --build-arg 'VIM_ENABLE_LUA=yes' --tag 'vim:lua' .

ex. Enables all but Python interface.

$ docker build --build-arg 'VIM_ENABLE_ALL=yes' --build-arg 'VIM_ENABLE_PYTHON=' --tag 'vim:all-without-python' .

NOTE: The older Vim can not build with some latest version of language interfaces. Because sometimes the language is updated with breaking changes, and Vim followed to them in newer version.


When this is not empty, GUI(gtk+3.0) is enabled.

default: Follows to VIM_ENABLE_ALL


When this is not empty, +sound is enabled.

default: Follows to VIM_ENABLE_ALL


When this is not empty, Perl interface is enabled.

default: Follows to VIM_ENABLE_ALL


When this is not empty, Python interface is enabled. Here, "Python" means "Python 2.x".

default: Follows to VIM_ENABLE_ALL


When this is not empty, Python3 interface is enabled.

default: Follows to VIM_ENABLE_ALL


A version of Python 3. This works with Alpine Linux only.

You can only specify 3.7 or empty. Latest version will be used when this is empty.

Vim built with Python 2.x and Python 3.8 is only available either if_python or if_python3.

You should specify 3.7 to enable both in same time. But, unfortunately, you can not enable if_mzscheme in this case.

default: empty


When this is not empty, Ruby interface is enabled.

default: Follows to VIM_ENABLE_ALL


When this is not empty, Lua interface is enabled.

default: Follows to VIM_ENABLE_ALL


A version of lua. Ex: 5.4 5.3 5.2 5.1 jit When you specify jit, luajit is enabled. When you use the Vim that is version before v7.4.093, please specify 5.1.

default: jit

$ docker build --build-arg 'VIM_VERSION=v7.4.092' --build-arg 'LUA_VERSION=5.1' --tag 'vim:v7.4.092' .


When this is not empty, Tcl interface is enabled.

default: Follows to VIM_ENABLE_ALL


When this is not empty, MzScheme(Racket) interface is enabled.

default: Follows to VIM_ENABLE_ALL


A version of Racket for +mzscheme feature.

default: 8.5


Set to --with-compiedby configure option.


zlib License