
a recommendation list of math courses for people with no math background.

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The Missing Math & CS classes

addressed to people with little to no math background and who want to specialize in AI/ML.

this list of classes isn't complete yet and may get altered (removing certain courses, adding others), so take it with a grain of salt, it's just a prototype.

courses on ML & AI will be added to the list later on

Discrete Mathematics :

Course School Instructor Book Recommendation Keywords
Linear Algebra MIT Gilbert Strang Linear Algebra and Its Applications Book by Gilbert Strang the 4 fundamental spaces, spectral theorem (decomposition), projection, orthanormal spaces, ...
Discrete Mathematics NPTEL Kamala Krithivasan Naive Set Theory by Paul R.halmos propositional/predicate logic, set theory, graph theory, combinatorics, automata, ...

Computer science theory :

Course School Instructor Book Recommendation Keywords
Theory of automata and computation models NPTEL Kamala Krithivasan NA DFSA, NFSA, turing machines, complexity theory, ...

Calculus :

Course School Instructor Book Recommendation Keywords
Single Variable Calculus MIT David Jerison calculus eighth edition james stewart functions, limits, infinitesimal linear approximation (derivation), integration, the fundamental theorems of calculus, basic optimization, ...
Multi Variable Calculus MIT Denis Auroux calculus eighth edition james stewart parametric equations, partial derivatives, gradients, lagrange multipliers, polar coordinates, vector fields, ...

Advanced Calculus, linear algebra and optimization theory :

Course School Instructor Book Recommendation Keywords
Linear Programming Penn State University Wen Shen Linear Algebra and Its Applications Book by Gilbert Strang problem modeling, canonical form, simplex method, convexity, duality, matrix form, primal-dual method, integer programming, ...
Convexity Theory (check lectures on convex sets/functions) NPTEL Shirish K. Shevade NA Jensen's inequality, convex sets, affine sets, combinations, hulls, polyhedra, hyperplanes ...
Gradient based methods (basic gradient descent + conjugate gradients) NPTEL Arghya Deb linear and non-linear programming third edition david g.luenberger gradients, optimal direction, optimal step size, ...
more on non-linear programming NA NA linear and non-linear programming third edition david g.luenberger KKT, constraint programming, barrier methods, convergence, ...
Meta-heuristics NA NA handbook of metaheuristics third edition michle gendreau modeling, population/instance based methods, tabu search, swarm intelligence, GVNS, genetic algorithms, ...
Matrix Methods in Data Analysis, Signal Processing, and Machine Learning MIT Gilbert Strang linear algebra and learning from data by gilbert strang matrix decomposition, linear regression, neural nets ...

More on Discrete Mathematics :

Course School Instructor Book Recommendation Keywords
Topological Spaces and Manifolds NA NA NA NA

Probability Theory & Statistics :

Course School Instructor Book Recommendation Keywords
Probability Theory (medium) MIT John Tsitsiklis NA discrete/continuous random variables, PDF, CDF, marginal, joint, conditional probability, random processes, LLN, CLT...
Probability Theory (hard) HARVARD Joe Blitzstein NA law of total probability, LOTUS, MGF, LLN, CLT, stochastic processes, ...
Information Theory NA NA NA measure of information, shannon's measure, conditional entropy, mutual information, ...
Statistical Inference (kinda deep) MIT Philippe Rigollet NA statistical modeling, MLE, MM, LSE, PCA, GLM, hypothesis testing, ...
Statistical Inference (deep) NPTEL Somesh Kumar NA UMVUE estimators, sufficient statistics, distribution families, neyman-pearson's theorem, likelihood ratio, ...
Time Series NA NA NA ARIMA, signal decomposition, stationary signals, seasonality, ...

Signal Processing :

Course School Instructor Book Recommendation Keywords
Hilbert Spaces (introductory article) NA JOEL KLIPFEL NA dot-product spaces, infinite vector spaces, ...
Fourier series/trans (from 33 to 37) Caltech Ali Hajimiri NA orthogonal functions' space basis, duality (spatial/temporal vs frequency domains), ...
Discrete Time Signal Processing NPTEL Mrityunjoy Chakraborty NA eigen functions, LSI systems, DTFT, ...
Statistical Signal Processing NPTEL Prabin Kumar Bora NA random processes, wiener filters, ...
Digital Signal Processing Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Rich Radke NA
Digital Image Processing Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Rich Radke NA transformations, spatial fitlers, frequency filters, smoothing, sharpening, edge detection, segmentation, ...