
Megaventory-backend Assessment

Primary LanguageJavaScript

OOP Megaventory Application Classes This repository contains JavaScript classes for a basic Megaventory application. The classes include:

Product Client InventoryLocation Tax Discount SalesOrder Product The Product class represents a product in the Megaventory application. It has the following properties:

SKU: The product's SKU. description: The product's description. salesPrice: The product's sales price. purchasePrice: The product's purchase price. Client The Client class represents a client in the Megaventory application. It has the following properties:

name: The client's name. email: The client's email. shippingAddress: The client's shipping address. phone: The client's phone number. InventoryLocation The InventoryLocation class represents an inventory location in the Megaventory application. It has the following properties:

abbreviation: The inventory location's abbreviation. name: The inventory location's name. address: The inventory location's address. Tax The Tax class represents a tax in the Megaventory application. It has the following properties:

name: The tax's name. description: The tax's description. value: The tax's value. Discount The Discount class represents a discount in the Megaventory application. It has the following properties:

name: The discount's name. description: The discount's description. value: The discount's value. SalesOrder The SalesOrder class represents a sales order in the Megaventory application. It has the following properties:

product: An instance of the Product class. client: An instance of the Client class. inventoryLocation: An instance of the InventoryLocation class. tax: An instance of the Tax class. discount: An instance of the Discount class. It also has a method calculateTotal() that calculates the total price of the sales order based on the product, tax, and discount properties.