Weather App

This is a simple Android application that displays the current weather information for a selected city. The app is built using the Kotlin programming language and utilizes the WeatherApi to retrieve weather data. Features

  • Displays current temperature, weather condition, and wind speed for a selected city
  • Allows user to choose a city from a list of pre-defined cities or search for a city by name
  • Automatically updates weather information every 30 minutes
  • Option to switch between Celsius and Fahrenheit units


  • Android Studio 4.0 or higher
  • Kotlin 1.4.0 or higher
  • WeatherApi API key

Getting Started

  • Clone this repository to your local machine.
  • Obtain an API key from WeatherApi by creating an account.
  • In the file, replace API_KEY with your API key.
  • Build and run the app on an Android emulator or physical device.




Smart Watch