Book Store System
This Java application is a comprehensive solution for managing a book store, using PostgreSQL on Supabase for the backend and JavaFX for the frontend. The application offers a user-friendly interface for both regular customers and managers, enabling them to perform various tasks relevant to their roles.
Table of Contents
The application is designed to handle two user roles: regular customer and manager.
Regular Customer
As a regular customer, users can:
- Edit their personal information, including their password.
- Search for books by any of the book's attributes (with indexed searches for faster results).
- Add books to a shopping cart.
- Manage their shopping cart, including:
- Viewing the items in the cart.
- Viewing the individual and total prices of the books in the cart.
- Removing items from the cart.
- Checkout a shopping cart, providing credit card information for successful transactions.
- Logout of the system, which removes all items from the current cart.
In addition to the regular customer features, managers can:
- Add new books.
- Modify existing books.
- Place orders for books.
- Confirm orders.
- Promote registered customers to have manager credentials.
- View sales reports, including:
- Total sales for books in the previous month.
- Top 5 customers with the highest purchase amount in the last three months (descending order).
- Top 10 selling books for the last three months.
Used Libraries
This project uses the following libraries:
- JavaFX
- ControlsFX (11.1.2)
- BootstrapFX (0.4.0)
- Project Lombok (1.18.24)
- PostgreSQL JDBC Driver (42.5.1)
Clone the project
To clone the project, run the following command in your terminal:
!git clone
Configure the database
- Open the file located in the src/main/java/Database directory.
- Change the following variables according to your PostgreSQL and Supabase configurations:
public final static String DatabaseURL = "your_database_url";
public final static String username = "your_database_username";
public final static String password = "your_database_password";
Note: Make sure to replace your_database_url, your_database_username, and your_database_password with your actual PostgreSQL and Supabase credentials and for every role the application have -Admin, Manager and Customer-.
- Run the application from your IDE or via the command line.
- Log in or register as a regular customer or manager.
- Perform the actions available to your user role.
We welcome contributions to improve the Book Store App! Please follow the steps below to contribute:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch for your feature or bugfix.
- Make changes and commit them to your branch.
- Open a pull request with a clear description of your changes.
- We will review and merge your changes as needed.