
Simple linux shell using C programming language.

Table of Contents


What is Shell

A shell is a command-line interpreter, it is the computer program that provides a user interface to access the services of the operating system.

What is it for

This consists of interpreting orders. It incorporates features such as process control, input/output redirection, law listing and reading, protection, communications, and a command language for writing batch programs or scripts. All Unix-type systems have at least one interpreter compatible with the Bourne shell. The Bourne shell program is found within the Unix file hierarchy at /bin/sh.

Supported Commands

  • built-in commands :
    • cd
    • echo
    • export
  • non built-in commands :
    • ls
    • mv
    • cp
    • mkdir
    • etc...

Used Libraries

  • stdio.h
  • unistd.h
  • pwd.h
  • string.h
  • sys/wait.h
  • stdlib.h
  • search.h
  • fcntl.h

User Manual


You can clone this repository this way:

git clone


  • by typing gcc -o shell main.c in your command line
  • or by typing make and the Makefile file will do rest the work.
mohamed@mohamed:~/Desktop/shell$ make
gcc -o shell main.c


after comilation phase type ./shell and the shell will run.

mohamed@mohamed:~/Desktop/shell$ ./shell

and the files in the folder should be like



  • The shell is detecting the user's name and the pc name and print them colored like the original shell image
  • It can handle background commands by typing & after the command
mohamed@mohamed:/home/mohamed/Desktop/shell$ ls -h -l &
mohamed@mohamed:/home/mohamed/Desktop/shell$ total 40K
-rw-r--r-- 1 mohamed mohamed   0 يون 25 16:50 log.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mohamed mohamed 13K مار 24 23:41 main.c
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mohamed mohamed  25 يون 25 14:17 Makefile
-rwxrwxr-x 1 mohamed mohamed 19K يون 25 16:50 shell

then after the background command is finished it will write Background Child Terminated in log.txt file