
A Simple educational game using Python and Turtle graphics, It aims to make children familiar with the geography of the 22 Arabic countries through interaction and practice.

Primary LanguagePython


A Simple educational game using Python and Turtle graphics, It aims to make children familiar with the geography of the 22 Arabic countries through interaction and practice.


The game is available in Arabic (Default) and English language


How it works

The user is asked to type the prefered language as written on the prompt

Then, he is asked to enter a country name (one of the 22 arab countries) : if he wrote it correctly >> the name is written on the map

The game ends when the user enters all the 22 countries OR when he types 'Exit' or 'خروج' in arabic

if he did not manage to enter all the countries then a csv file with the countries he missed will be created to revise them



IMPORTANT: Make sure that pandas library is installed

The map is taken from Wikipedia with some edits