
This is a college project we have made in such a short time. Veller is a website that connects between organizations--institition, company or any other type of organization--offering one of these opportunities; internships, scholarships, contests, exchange programs or volunteering offers (like AISEC), and applicants that would like to apply to any of these. Both applicants and organizations can register on the website. There is an admin for the website, that can add supervisors. Supervisors supervise opportunities posted by organizations and check for any support ticket send by any user. There is some statistics about the data on the website as well.

The website is not free of bugs just yet though. If anyone is interested to look up through the project and maybe try to fix some of the bugs, you can contact any of the origianl contributors; Mohamed Ramzy, Mohamed Ahmed, Radwa Khattab, or Ayat Mostafa.

We used PHP Laravel, Bootstrap, CSS, HTML, Javascript and SQL for database creating and queries.