Speed Control Using TDD


Who Am I ?

Hello , My name is Mohamed Ahmed Salah , Sprints Wave 8 Graduate ,Egyptian Russian University Mechatronics Department Graduate Since 2019

Lets focus again !

Our Project today is Speed Control using Test driven Development As a better approach to build a project . to make it clear for you we will first start Descripting The project Then We will Talk about The Code Written and The approach Taken while Developing This Project

Project Description

We wanna Control a Motor speed so We will make a user to machine famous Interface

Called Push Buttons :) ,we will use 3 pushbuttons Called Upswitch , DownSwitch , P_Switch

Up switch

when Prepressed Will increment Motor Speed By one which means Decreasing Motor angle by one

Down switch

when Prepressed Will do the opposite of Up switch functionality and Lastly

P Switch

This Button Is special it makes User Changes speed By Pressing For a while AS it increments Motor angle By one Every 30 ms which decrements Motor speed while pressing it

Project requirement's

As There is No Hardware used in this Project it is Required To take the Switch Actions not from The hardware but from Switch.txt which will act like a genral Purpose Input output log . After This You should Process This Data In A module Called Switch Then Pass This information To Speed Control Module , Speed Control Module Will Manipulate The Input Data To send the required Angles to Motor module which will then write this data to a text file called Motor.txt

Project Implementation

i made two folders one is source folder which contains all three modules Switch , Speed Control , Motor .

Switch Module

The Method Used here For Function Prototyping Was To Return Error Status Which is basically

typedef uint8_t ERROR_STATUS;
#define E_NOK        1
#define E_OK         0 
#define NULL_PTR    2
#define NOT_INIT    4
#define INVALID_PARM  8

And with it i defied Multiple Macros to make it readable , By using this method i will be sure that there is a feedback from the function of what really happened .

So these are The functions used in this module

ERROR_STATUS  SWITCH_init(Switch_Cfg_str* Switch_used);
ERROR_STATUS SWITCH_update(Switch_Cfg_str*Switch_used,test_Cfg_str*Test_data);

The most important Parts of this Module Are lies here When we make a structure to represent every button we have to make usable for both testing and production and actuallyit was so useful Members that was so useful while coding are Switch id , Switch status , push time and lastly Programming mode. Switch id was used to make every button different from the others switch status used to know the status of buttons push time was exclusive for p switch and lastly programming mode used in init function to swap the used functions when production and when testing as we have used a pointer to function to do this trick .

typedef struct Switch_Cfg_str{
  uint8_t GPIO;
  uint8_t pins;
  uint8_t Switch_ID;
  SWITCH_STATE_t Switch_status;
  uint8_t Programming_Mode;
  uint32_t Push_Time;
   uint8_t u8_Mult_init_detect;

As You can see we swapped this functions in the init function using pointer to function

  SWITCH_STATE_t  SWITCH_getSwState_real(Switch_Cfg_str* Switch_used);
  SWITCH_STATE_t  SWITCH_getSwState_Fake(Switch_Cfg_str* Switch_used);
  uint32_t  SWITCH_getP_time_real(Switch_Cfg_str* Switch_used);
  uint32_t  SWITCH_getP_time_Fake(Switch_Cfg_str* Switch_used);

These are the objects which was created

  extern Switch_Cfg_str UpSwitch;
  extern Switch_Cfg_str DownSwitch;
  extern Switch_Cfg_str P_Switch;

Speed Control Module

In This Module Basically What We are doing is to take Data out of object to inject it in another Object . so in this module we constructed a structure which will take the data from all push button structure and put it in a new structure the data we were most intrested in are Switches status and push time so we created this structure to handle this task .

   typedef struct speed_Cfg_str  {  
   uint8_t Switch_ID[3];

So Whats really happening here is we used the switch id from switch module as an index to this array member of our struct to Update all three buttons in one object

  SWITCH_STATE_t Switch_status[3];

as you can see Push time is also here to take the value stored in push time member in the first Module(switch module)

uint32_t Push_Time;

And Motor Angle member which the Update function used to store its updated Angle on it

   uint8_t Programming_Mode;
   extern speed_Cfg_str SpeedSTR_update;

So these are The functions used in this module

  ERROR_STATUS Speed_Control_init(void);
  ERROR_STATUS Speed_Control_get_Switch_state(speed_Cfg_str* SpeedSTR_used);
  MOTOR_ANGEL_t Angel_update(speed_Cfg_str* SpeedSTR_used);

Motor Module

In This Module Basically What We are doing is to take Data out of object to Print it in a text file .

MOTOR_ANGEL_t MOTOR_getAngel(speed_Cfg_str* SpeedSTR_used);
void MOTOR_update(void);

How To Run This Project

Go To Project Folder -> Source -> you will find a file called (Click Me Twice ) thats a batch file i used instead of writing a Make file This file contains

gcc -D MAX_TESTS=10 main.c Motor/Motor.c Switch/Switch_Config.c Switch/Switch.c Speed_Control/Speed_Control.c Speed_Control/Speed_Control_Config.c ../test/unity/unity.c ../test/unity/unity_fixture.c ../test/unity/unity_memory.c ../test/Fake_Switch/Fake_Switch.c ../test/Speed_Control_test/Speed_Control_test.c ../test/Motor_test/Motor_test.c


And Thats How You will run the project .... Please note if you wanna Change the number of test edit this batchfile with the number of tests Required