Home Assignment: Scratch Game

How To Run

inside jar folder, an executable jar file is added

you can run the below command , keep in mind to provide the full path of config file

 java -jar scratch-games-task.jar --config /Users/xxxyyyzzz/config.json --betting-amount 100


  • JDK >= 1.8
  • Maven or Gradle
  • feel free to choose any libraries for serialize/deserialize JSON and testing
  • not recommended to add any additional libraries/frameworks, like spring or other high level frameworks


Problem statement: You need to build a scratch game, that will generate a matrix (for example 3x3) from symbols(based on probabilities for each individual cell) and based on winning combintations user either will win or lost. User will place a bet with any amount which we call betting amount in this assignment.

There are two types of symbols: Standard Symbols, Bonus Symbols.

Standard Symbols: identifies if user won or lost the game based on winning combinations (combination can be X times repeated symbols or symbols that follow a specific pattern) Bonus symbols are described the table below:

Symbol Name Reward Multiplier
A 50
B 25
C 10
D 5
E 3
F 1.5

Bonus Symbols: Bonus symbols are only effective when there are at least one winning combinations matches with the generated matrix. Bonus symbols are described the table below:

Symbol Name Action
10x mutiply final reward to 10
5x mutiply final reward to 5
+1000 add 1000 to the final reward
+500 add 500 to the final reward
MISS none

Let's look at the configuration file below:

    "columns": 3, // OPTIONAL
    "rows": 3, // OPTIONAL
    "symbols": {
        "A": {
            "reward_multiplier": 50,
            "type": "standard"               
        "B": {
            "reward_multiplier": 25,
            "type": "standard"               
        "C": {
            "reward_multiplier": 10,
            "type": "standard"               
        "D": {
            "reward_multiplier": 5,
            "type": "standard"               
        "E": {
            "reward_multiplier": 3,
            "type": "standard"               
        "F": {
            "reward_multiplier": 1.5,
            "type": "standard"               

        "10x": {
            "reward_multiplier": 10,
            "type": "bonus",
            "impact": "multiply_reward"
        "5x": {
            "reward_multiplier": 5,
            "type": "bonus",
            "impact": "multiply_reward"
        "+1000": {
            "extra": 1000,
            "type": "bonus",
            "impact": "extra_bonus"
        "+500": {
            "extra": 500,
            "type": "bonus",
            "impact": "extra_bonus"
        "MISS": {
            "type": "bonus",
            "impact": "miss"
    "probabilities": {
        "standard_symbols": [
            "column": 0,
            "row": 0,
            "symbols": {
                "A": 1,
                "B": 2,
                "C": 3,
                "D": 4,
                "E": 5,
                "F": 6
            "column": 0,
            "row": 1,
            "symbols": {
                "A": 1,
                "B": 2,
                "C": 3,
                "D": 4,
                "E": 5,
                "F": 6
        "bonus_symbols": {
            "symbols": {
                "10x": 1,
                "5x": 2,
                "+1000": 3,
                "+500": 4,
                "MISS": 5
    "win_combinations": {
        "same_symbol_3_times": {
            "reward_multiplier": 1,
            "when": "same_symbols",
            "count": 3,
            "group": "same_symbols"
        "same_symbol_4_times": {
            "reward_multiplier": 1.5,
            "when": "same_symbols",
            "count": 4,
            "group": "same_symbols"
        "same_symbol_5_times": {
            "reward_multiplier": 2,
            "when": "same_symbols",
            "count": 5,
            "group": "same_symbols"
        "same_symbol_6_times": {
            "reward_multiplier": 3,
            "when": "same_symbols",
            "count": 6,
            "group": "same_symbols"
        "same_symbol_7_times": {
            "reward_multiplier": 5,
            "when": "same_symbols",
            "count": 7,
            "group": "same_symbols"
        "same_symbol_8_times": {
            "reward_multiplier": 10,
            "when": "same_symbols",
            "count": 8,
            "group": "same_symbols"
        "same_symbol_9_times": {
            "reward_multiplier": 20,
            "when": "same_symbols",
            "count": 9,
            "group": "same_symbols"

        "same_symbols_horizontally": { // OPTIONAL
            "reward_multiplier": 2,
            "when": "linear_symbols",
            "group": "horizontally_linear_symbols",
            "covered_areas": [
                ["0:0", "0:1", "0:2"],
                ["1:0", "1:1", "1:1"],
                ["2:0", "2:1", "2:2"]
        "same_symbols_vertically": { // OPTIONAL
            "reward_multiplier": 2,
            "when": "linear_symbols",
            "group": "vertically_linear_symbols",
            "covered_areas": [
                ["0:0", "1:0", "2:0"],
                ["0:1", "1:1", "2:1"],
                ["0:2", "1:2", "2:2"]
        "same_symbols_diagonally_left_to_right": { // OPTIONAL
            "reward_multiplier": 5,
            "when": "linear_symbols",
            "group": "ltr_diagonally_linear_symbols",
            "covered_areas": [
                ["0:0", "1:1", "2:2"]
        "same_symbols_diagonally_right_to_left": { // OPTIONAL
            "reward_multiplier": 5,
            "when": "linear_symbols",
            "group": "rtl_diagonally_linear_symbols",
            "covered_areas": [
                ["0:2", "1:1", "2:0"]
field name description
columns number of columns in the matrix
rows number of rows in the matrix
symbols list of symbols
symbol.{X}.reward_multiplier will multiply betting amount
symbol.{X}.type can be either standard or bonus
symbol.{X}.extra [only for bonuses] extra amount which will be added to the reward
symbol.{X}.impact [only for bonuses] fixed values: multiply_reward (which multiply final reward to symbol.{X}.reward_multiplier), extra_bonus(will add symbol.{X}.extra to the final reward), miss(nothing)
probabilities list of probabilities
probabilities.standard_symbols list of probabilities for standard symbols
probabilities.standard_symbols[...].column column index
probabilities.standard_symbols[...].row row index
probabilities.standard_symbols[...].symbols map of a symbol and it's probability number(to calculate to probability percentage just sum all symbols probability numbers and divide individual symbol's probability number to total probability numbers)
probabilities.bonus_symbols list of probabilities for bonus symbols
probabilities.bonus_symbols.symbols map of a symbol and it's probability number(to calculate to probability percentage just sum all symbols probability numbers and divide individual symbol's probability number to total probability numbers)
probabilities.win_combinations list of winning combinations
probabilities.win_combinations.{X}.reward_multiplier will multiply reward
probabilities.win_combinations.{X}.count required count of the same symbols to activate the reward
probabilities.win_combinations.{X}.group group which the winning combination belongs to, max 1 winning combination should be applied for each win combination group
probabilities.win_combinations.{X}.covered_areas array of array of strings which is described as "%d:%d" which demonstrates row and column number respectively
probabilities.win_combinations.{X}.when fixed values: same_symbols (if one symbol repeated in the matrix probabilities.win_combinations.{X}.count times), linear_symbols(if it matches to probabilities.win_combinations.{X}.covered_areas)
  • Note: Fields which are marked as OPTIONAL, are not required but will add extra points to the candidate if the candidate implements it.
  • Note (2): Bonus symbol can be generated randomly in any cell(s) in the matrix
  • Note (3): If one symbols matches more than winning combinations then reward should be multiplied. formula: (SYMBOL_1 * WIN_COMBINATION_1_FOR_SYMBOL_1 * WIN_COMBINATION_2_FOR_SYMBOL_1)
  • Note (4): If the more than one symbols matches any winning combinations then reward should be summed. formula: (SYMBOL_1 * WIN_COMBINATION_1_FOR_SYMBOL_1 * WIN_COMBINATION_2_FOR_SYMBOL_1) + (SYMBOL_2 * WIN_COMBINATION_1_FOR_SYMBOL_2)

Input format:

    "bet_amount": 100
field name description
bet_amount betting amount

Output format:

    "matrix": [
        ["A", "A", "B"],
        ["A", "+1000", "B"],
        ["A", "A", "B"]
    "reward": 6600,
    "applied_winning_combinations": {
        "A": ["same_symbol_5_times", "same_symbols_vertically"],
        "B": ["same_symbol_3_times", "same_symbols_vertically"]
    "applied_bonus_symbol": "+1000"
field name description
matrix generated 2D matrix
reward final reward which user won
applied_winning_combinations Map of Symbol and List of applied winning combinations
applied_bonus_symbol applied bonus symbol (can be null if the bonus is MISS

Rewards breakdown:

reward name reward details
symbol_A bet_amount x5
symbol_B bet_amount x3
same_symbol_5_times (reward for a specific symbol) x5
same_symbol_3_times (reward for a specific symbol) x1
same_symbols_vertically (reward for a specific symbol) x2
+1000 add 1000 extra to final reward

Calculations: (bet_amount x reward(symbol_A) x reward(same_symbol_5_times) x reward(same_symbols_vertically)) + (bet_amount x reward(symbol_B) x reward(same_symbol_3_times) x reward(same_symbols_vertically)) (+/x) reward(+1000) = (100 x5 x5 x2) + (100 x3 x1 x2) +1000 = 5000 + 600 + 1000 = 6600

Examples (with a winning combination [same symbols should be repeated at least 3 / reward x2]):

Lost game:

Lost Game

input output
"bet_amount": 100 {
"matrix": [
["A", "B", "C"],
["E", "B", "5x"],
["F", "D", "C"]
"reward": 0

Description: The game is settled as LOST, so bonus symbol has not been applied because the reward is 0.

Won game:

Won Game

input output
"bet_amount": 100 {
"matrix": [
["A", "B", "C"],
["E", "B", "10x"],
["F", "D", "B"]
"reward": 50000,
"applied_winning_combinations": {
"B": ["same_symbol_5_times"]
"applied_bonus_symbol": "10x"

Description: user placed a bet with 100 betting amount and generated matrix has 3 same symbols which matches with the winning combination, also 10x bonus also will be applied. Formula: 100(betting amount) x 25(symbol B) x2(at least 3 same symbols winning combination) x10(x10 bonus symbol) = 50000 (winning amount)

Note: Please make sure there are no errors while building (all test cases should be passed if you provided any) and your solution is testable through CLI like below:

 java -jar <your-jar-file> --config config.json --betting-amount 100
parameter description
config config file which is described top of the document
betting amount betting amount