- Read How is Everything connected?
- Read Why using Clean Architecture?
- Read Some Design Decisions
pod install
I use Clean Architecture in how things are connected together and how components talk to each other, i'll explain shortly why i picked using this architecture
So inspired from the diagram listed here specifically this diagram:
I broke down the project into 4 different layers which can be seen here inspired by the clean architecture but not really strict to the clean architecture discussed by uncle bob, so it's a bit different
here we will see 4 layers
Brief: this is basically the View's layers, it consists of the View and the View Controller where both basically don't do anything except get events from the user and pass it to the next layer in line which is the presentation layer, and they await data to display through an observer pattern
What it does?: delegates any interaction with the UI to the presentation layer
What it expects?: data to display through call backs/delegates or observer pattern depending on the presentation layer picked design pattern
Brief: this is where the UI logic gets handled, meaning that how many sections or how many cells that should be displayed goes here, things like pagination or lazy loading (prefetching), any intensive logic that is not related to the UI is delegated to the next layer which is the business layer
What it does?: handles the UI logic and notifies the View with the changes and changes backend models to view models that the UI takes to display it's data without any effort
What it expects?: dependencies from the View and the backend data
Brief: this is where all the business logic is happening, things like sorting games or actually favourting games should happen, usually this layer does computational operations on the data coming from the next layer which is the data layer and pass it back to the presentation layer for it to map it back to a ViewModel that the view can understand
What it does?: do operations on the returned data
What it expects?: dependencies from the presentation layer and the backend data from the data layer
Brief: this is where all the networking and caching goes, it fetches the data from either network or from cache or maybe both through repository pattern
What it does?: fetch required data
What it expects?: i decided to make this part independent, i could have used generics and reused this layer everywhere, but I think it's better to not use generics for 2 reasons
- it will increase the complexity of the project
- i think it serves more into the separation of concern and increase maintainability
our main goal is to build a scalable, maintainable, flexible system that is also testable, i found that i can do all the SOLID principles with this architecture where each class does one thing and every layer is also testable (S) (exculding the View which is not unit-testable, but it will be tested with UI Tests), each class can be extended without changing its guts (O), you can change the implementation of any layer without the app getting affected because they are talking to each others through protocols (L), the protocols that are the borders between every layer is only doing one thing (I), the whole app is linked together through protocols which makes the app soft and not coupled with each other (D)
having an architecture that does all of this is so great it allows for all the good things you would wish to happen in a project
here you can find the whole diagram for anyone to see here
and this is the overview look of a more detailed UML
let's break it down...
We start at the bottom where the view controller is, as u see it doesn't do much, and when we implement this diagram, you will find that the View Controller does so little things and expects to be served with ViewModels (a viewModel here is not to be mistaken with the MVVM viewModel, it's just a model that fills up the view, it's just a data model that is suitable for the view)
so the view on first launch is expecting Games to display to the user, so it contacts the presentation layer to tell it hey, can u get me the home feed?, so the presentation layer does that by contacting the next layer which is the business layer, the business layer is kinda useless here a bit because there is not much operations it can do, but having it here like this allows for reusability where we can use the same interactor for multiple presentation layers with the right dependencies, so the data layer takes this request and fetches the home feed, if it found it in the cahce it will return it, and on parallel it is fetching it from the remote data source (the backend) by doing so we ensure that the user is always presented with something to see and interact with except in the first launch of the home feed
all of this is done through the repository
the repository is an interface/protocol that is available to the business layer, and the business layer creates this repository through the network protocol and the cache protocol that was handed to it from the presentation layer
how does the repository work? that is something unknown to the business layer, it just tells it to fetch the games feed and that's it waits for the async callback
so the business layer got the data and ran some operations on it, for imagination sake (it sorts the game according to popularity)
then it passes that data back to the presentation and the presentation turn that data into ViewModels that the view can display without a hassle
(a conflict here, we can make it 1 model that is used through the whole lifecycle, and that will indeed boost the performance a lot, but by separating the business model and the view model, we gain two things...
1. any changes to the view will keep the business layer intact without any need to change anything
2. any change from the business side (let's say a change in the API contract), we only need to change the business model and adapt it to the new response coming from the backend)
the router is another way of keeping the View from doing anything, it's a way of encapsulating a weak View Controller reference inside a class that is going to be reused later on by the presentation layer or the business layer
it allows the presentation and the business to navigate the user from one screen to another without giving the view controller any authority, and that's it Keeping the view as dumb as possible to make sure that we dont need to test it
that's the easier part, we first start by mocking our externals, like the Router, the Network, and the Cache
we do so by making another implementation and giving injecting this implementation to the SUT (subject under test) which can be either the presentation layer or the business layer
i thought that i'd write a lot explaining it, but you can check the tests module and see how everything is written, since talk is cheap anyway
- Dark Mode
- Read More
- Offline Favouriting
- Observable Pattern
- Reusable URLSession Network Layer
- centralized text messages for easier Localization
- easy to use Navigation layer
- simple and reusable Screen Loader
- lazy loading (prefetching) pagination
- layout that fits landscape and portrait
- supports iPhone and iPad
- Unit tests
- 54.4% Test Coverage
Break down user flows into Storyboards branching from the Main.storyboard where the Main.storyboard contains a MainTabBar and each tabBar have different flows, for our case, a Favorite has it's own Storyboard, Game Feed and Game Details has their own Storyboard Breaking it down this way will ensure that the project doesn't take much time to open a Storyboard when the app gets bigger
Using Kingfisher for caching Images After some trial and error trying to implement my own solution for images caching, I realized that using Kingfisher is a better option and far more suited for a production code, because Kingfisher provides us with many options that would require more time to implement and the pod itself has it's own tests
Using Colors directly from the assets and wrap it inside a GSColor Enum this decision allowed for a seamless and easy to implement Dark Mode without any complex logic, of course we can set something like a ThemeManager that would allow us to configure the app's colors from UIAppearance() API, but i think this decision is far more easier
Centralize App Messages inside AppMessages enum This decision Is something I took to make the localization process easier, since we have all the app's strings centralized in one place, so localizating it would be as easy as
"Message here".localized()
Adding @IBInspectable attributes to UIView and UILabel and the scalability of this decision Configuring the UI from the IB greatly boosts the development speed, that's what I took this decision upon, and when we want to localize the project, we can always add an IBInspectable property to UILabel and other Text Based Views, to have a key from the localizable files and replace the text with this value of this key
Storyboard enum and why it made building a new Scene extremely easier The Storyboard enum is somekind of a builder pattern which you just give the type of the UIViewController you want to initialize and it fetches that UIViewController from the desired Storyboard and you can property inject it with it's dependencies (Disclaimer: We can update this builder to use the new Storyboard Injection method to pass our dependencies but I'vent tapped into that yet)
Dynamic Dynamic is an observable pattern that is solely dependent on property observer (didSet), where when the value of this class changes, it channels this mutation to all of those who bind (subscribes) to this object, it allowed for seamless update in the UI from the Presentation layer and the presentation layer can be called a ViewModel in this case (MVVM) but i decided to go with the name
to avoid naming conflictions -
ViewModel and Business Model The decision behind making 2 separate models, 1 for the UI and 1 for the business increased complexity and might have made a performacne overhead, but it allowed for flexibility to change in the future because if a change occured in the UI, we only have to change the ViewModel, while if there is a change in the Business Model, we only have to update our Business Model
Externals The idea behind Externals is conforming to the SOLID Principles by doing Dependency inversion, Liskov Substitution and Single Responsibility, so we can test, maintain and scale our app without really worrying about lots of stuff
GameDataSource This object was used solely to reuse the UI between the GameFeed and Favorites
EmptyStateViewController This is Factory Pattern where we build an empty state according to a specification which is in this case, Search or Favorite or possibly Home
Build Configurations I set up 3 dummy environemnts to change BaseURL between them whenever needed, of course the effect of this decision is not obvious in this project, because it has only one variation for the baseURL, but when this project scales, it will allow us to differentiate between them easily
Another advantage for this decision, is when we have a firebase based project and this firebase project has more than one project on Firebase, we can exchange the
easily according to our Environment