Mohamed Alzubaidi (malzubai)
42 Abu Dhabi
Date: 14/11/2022

Hello world ๐Ÿ‘‹ I'm Mohamed Alzubaidi

  • ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐ŸŽ“ I graduated from Khalifa University as B.Sc. in Computer Engineering
  • ๐ŸŒฑ Iโ€™m currently studying software development and the Unix environment at 42 Abu Dhabi coding school
  • ๐Ÿ’ผ Iโ€™m Co-founder of Leam Technology Systems & Techmaze
  • ๐Ÿš€ I'm DevOps Engineer
  • Check my linkedin at in/mohamed-alzubaidi
  • ๐Ÿ”ญ I'm looking forward to getting more experience in algorithms & backend development
Mohamed's GitHub stats



AngularTypeScriptNPM iOSSwift

  • Built web-app using Angular framework in the senior project in the university.
    • Built user interface that accepts user data and document attachments.
  • Designed and built an iOS application that has watch app companion on the Apple watch using the swift programming language called DMS.
    • It monitors the heart rate of the driver and notify him if he is about to fall a sleep
    • It detects if an accidents happened and notify the incident response team and provide vitals signs to them.


NodeJSExpress.js MySQLSQLiteMariaDBFirebase KubernetesDockerLinux

  • Built backend for the senior project using Node.js, Express.js and MySQL database.
    • Users and sessions management
    • Backend logic requirement gathering and implementation
    • User levels and approval system implementation in terms of transactions
  • Used firebase in making MVPs like apps we built in the hackathons or fast solution to collect informations from users like surveys.
  • Managed and deployed our servers at Leam that hosts websites and backends for us and our clients.
  • Architected, implemented and managed the backend stack of on top of docker containers and Kubernetes cluster.


GitGitHubGitHub Actions Visual Studio Code Xcode Vim macOS Shell Script

  • I using git and Github to version control any code I write since 2016.
  • I used Github actions to automate testing and deployments of iOS & Android apps, web-apps and backends that we develop in Leam.
  • I using Visual Studio code as my main code editor.
  • My main machine is 14" MacBook Pro with the latest MacOS.
  • I use Vim to edit files when I'm in the terminal environment.

42 Abu Dhabi

Project Learning outcomes
  • I learned how C libraries can be created and works
  • Built my first C library
  • I Learned about the implementation of some C built in functions
malzubai's 42 Libft Score
ft_printf I learned about how to develop a variadic function by rebuilding the C library function printf malzubai's 42 ft_printf Score
get_next_line I learned about file descriptors and how to handle and read from them also using static variables malzubai's 42 get_next_line Score
Born2beroot I learned about setting up servers using Linux and using virtual machines and the purpose of them malzubai's 42 Born2beroot Score
minitalk I learned about signal in operating system and how to handle them in a program, by building two programs that can communicate using signals malzubai's 42 minitalk Score
  • I learned about the mathematics of fractals
  • I learned about using graphical library in C
  • I developed the code in a maintainable way by utilising pointer to function and the struct feature in C
  • I learned about not submitting unless I tested the project thoroughly
malzubai's 42 fract-ol Score
push_swap This project was about sorting random set of numbers using limited set of instructions in as few as possible of moves.

  • Leaned about some sorting algorithms and there implementation.
  • Separated the logic into libraries if necessary
malzubai's 42 push_swap Score
  • Learned about multi-thread and multi-process programming by implementing the dining philosophers problem
  • Learned how to synchronise shared resources between multiple threads by using mutexs and semaphores
malzubai's 42 Philosophers Score
minishell This project is about implementing some shell features based on bash using the C language in the Unix system malzubai's 42 minishell Score


Achievement Qualification
Functional mathematics course Passed with ๐Ÿ…Distinction
Exam Rank 02 malzubai's 42 Exam Rank 02 Score
Exam Rank 03 malzubai's 42 Exam Rank 03 Score