
Command Line System for Vehicle Showroom. As it is a vehicle showroom, so it will have some vehicles in it.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The Vehicleshowroom Command Line Interface (CLI) can be used to your Vehicleshowroom-cli project from the command line.

: Feature List

  • Add Vehicle
  • Remove Vehicle
  • Find Any Vehicle
  • List All Vehicle
  • Find Visitors



  • Node installation on Windows

    Just go on official Node.js website and download the installer. lso, be sure to have git available in your PATH, npm might need it (You can find git here).

  • Node installation on Ubuntu

    You can install nodejs and npm easily with apt install, just run the following commands.

    $ sudo apt install nodejs
    $ sudo apt install npm
  • Other Operating Systems

    You can find more information about the installation on the official Node.js website and the official NPM website.

If the installation was successful, you should be able to run the following command.

$ node --version

$ npm --version

If you need to update npm, you can make it using npm! Cool right? After running the following command, just open again the command line and be happy.

$ npm install npm -g

Yarn installation

After installing node, this project will need yarn too, so just run the following command.

  $ npm install -g yarn

Install Process

$ git clone git@github.com:MohammadAtikurRahman/vehicleshowroom-cli.git
$ cd vehicleshowroom-cli
$ npm install

Create Symlink

$ npm link


The command vehicleshowroom-cli --help lists the available commands and vehicleshowroom-cli <command> --help shows more details for an individual command.

Below is a brief list of the available commands and their function:

CLI view

$ vehicleshowroom-cli --help


-V, --version output the version number

-h, --help display help for command


*add|a Add a car in the showeoom normal or sports or heavy

find|f < car> Find The car by model number or engine power

remove|r <_id> Remove a car from Vehicle showroom

list|l list all car in Vehicle showroom

visitor|v visitors in Vehicle showroom

help [command] display help for command

Feature details

Command Description
add Add a car in the showeoom normal or sports or heavy.
find Find The car by model number or engine power
remove Remove a car by id from Vehicle showroom
list Listed all the car in the vehicle showroom.
visitor Available Visitors in Vehicle showroom.

Configuration Commands

Command Description
--help,-h Showing all users command to use this applications.
--version,-v Showing the version
add,a Add a car in the showeoom normal or sports or heavy.
find,f Find The car by model number or engine power
remove,r Remove a car bt id from Vehicle showroom
list,l list all car in Vehicle showroom
help Display help information about the CLI or specific commands.

Running the project

$ npm start

Simple build for production


  • Run the gitbash
  • commands
