
My First Project

Primary LanguageJava


My first project "ThisOrThat" is an android application that asks you questions, takes your answer, compares your answer with other people who answered this question and shows you the percentage that people answered the question. If more than 50% of people has answered like you, it means you are NORMAL and if less than 50% of people has answered like you, it means you are SPECIAL.

The app had about 270 questions in an online server so user should connect to wifi and use the app. But the server is not working anymore (because application doesn't have any users).


This project is used to learn basic and fundamental knowledge in Android Developing. After I practiced some resources and android documentations finally I thought I should make an application to see how much I learned from android developing. After I finished this project, I released the app and 500 people downloaded this app and for any first project, well this is a great achieve!

What I learned

This is my first project in Android Developing which I learned a lot of basic programming and basic knowledge of android such as:

  • Android basic views and layouts
  • Using third party views
  • Using volley to access url and receive response in Json
  • Parse Json to model
  • Using greenDao for working with database (read, write save, etc.)