algebra implementation
Linear algebra algorithms with efficient implementations, available for different types of problems.
P1: Echelon Form
This project gets a square matrix (A) and a vector (b) then:
- Transforming matrix to Row Echelon form (show results step by step).
- Transforming Row Echelon matrix to reduced Row Echelon form (show results step by step)
- Solving Ax=b equation which A is a n * n matrix and b is a vector in Rn
P2: Inveret a matrix by LU decomposition
In this project, LU decomposition is used to calculate the inverted matrix efficiently. It contains:
- forward-substitution function for calculating L matrix
- backward-substitution function for calculating U matrix
- LU decomposition function, which speeds up our calculation to solve Ax=b equation
P3: Vector space
This project takes a matrix as input and extracts the row, column, and Nullspace basis of the matrix using reduced Echelon form.
P4: Linear Regression
This project predict COVID-19-infected number by Linear regression and curve fitting. you can download the total_cases.csv file from here.
P5: Image compresseion
The singular value decomposition (SVD) is a factorization of a real or complex matrix that generalizes the eigen decomposition of a normal square matrix to any m*n matrix. Here we use it to compress a .PPM photo and plot it a lower resolution