MEW (Men's Ethnic Wear) is an ecommerce web application using MERN stack.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Men's Ethnic Wear is an ecommerce web application

Tools and Packages

mongodb  expressjs  nodejs  reactjs  redux  react-router  mui  chart-js  jwt  Cloudinary Node Mailer Stripe  heroku  Render


  • Login/Signup User Account
  • Update Profile/Password User Account
  • Reset Password Mail using nodemailer
  • Cart Add/Remove Items | Update Quantities
  • Wishlist Add/Remove Items
  • Products Pagination (Default 8 Products Per Page)
  • Product Search
  • Product Filters Based on Category/Ratings/Price
  • Shipping Info in Session Storage
  • Make Payment using Stripe
  • My Orders (With All Filters)
  • Order Details of All Ordered Item
  • Review Products User Account
  • Admin: Dashboard access to only admin roles
  • Admin: Update Order Status | Delete Order
  • Admin: Add/Update Products
  • Admin: Update User Data | Delete User
  • Admin: List Review of Product | Delete Review
  • Stock Management: Decrease stock of product when shipped

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone https://github.com/MohammadOwais10/MEW.git

Go to the project directory

  cd project

Install dependencies

  npm install
  cd frontend/
  npm install

Start the server

  npm run start

Start the client

  //open another terminal
  cd frontend/
  npm start

Environment configurations

set your config.env file : use given format

JWT_SECRET='your jwt secret'
SMPT_MAIL='your email'
SMPT_PASSWORD='email password'
CLOUDINARY_API_KEY= 'cloudinary key'
CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET= 'cloudinary secret'
STRIPE_API_KEY='stripe key'
STRIPE_SECRET_KEY='stripe secret'

UI Screenshot

  • Home UI mew-home-ui

  • Products UI mew-product-ui

  • Pagination and Filter Box UI mew-filter-ui

  • Cart UI mew-cart-ui

  • Shipping UI mew-shipping-ui

  • Payment UI mew-payment-ui

  • Admin Dashboard UI mew-dashboard-ui

  • Admin All Order UI mew-allorder-ui

  • Admin Update Product UI mew-update-ui

  • Admin Process Order UI mew-order-process-ui