
This project is related to the course of hardware security and secure hardware design at Shahid Beheshti University.

The purpose of this project is to analyze power consumption using statistical methods.

The following files are given as input:
1. The traces.mat file contains the power extracted from the execution of the AES algorithm.
2. The mat.input file contains the inputs of the encryption algorithm corresponding to each power pattern. The project files are presented in two categories with the titles 50K and 100K, the first of which contains 50 thousand samples and the second contains 100 thousand samples.

The following items have been considered:
1. Run the DPA algorithm and find the key of the encryption algorithm.
2. Show the normality of frequency distribution diagrams of groups one and two.
3. Investigate the dependence of data on different Hamming distances and its effect on power distribution at each point in the trace.