
Step=> 1) Make a Folder Larademo then make a file Larademo.php Step=>2) inside Larademo.php file give

3) now make a Service Provider with a command : php artisan make:provider LarademoServiceProvider this command will create a service provider inside App\Providers; Step=>4) Inside LarademoServiceProvider.php we have to add a statement -> use App\Larademo\Larademo; then inside public function register(){ // bind the class $this->app->bind('larademo',function(){ // 'larademo has to be small case!' return new Larademo(); // Larademo() == is a constructor!! }); } Step=>5) Now we have to go to config/app.php inside providers => register -> App\Providers\LarademoServiceProvider::class, Step=>6) Inside the same folder (Larademo), We have to Create FacadeFile naming LarademoFacade.php. Step=>7) Inside LarademoFacade.php Provide namespace and bind('larademo'), } } Step=>8) again => config/app.php inside alices => register 'Larademo'=>App\Larademo\LarademoFacade::class; ------------------------Finish----------------------------