
Generate a random img by c++/sfml.

Primary LanguageC++

Random Image using c++/sfml

idea of works

The 8-bit is data of one color, it will generate range of colors from 0 to 255 for basics colors [red, green and blue]. So, first will identity size of image [it like matrix] :

sf::Uint8 pix[x*y*4]; //linear array ordring 

we multiply by 4 because three RGB and A [alpha or opacity].

set random value in this array:

for(int i=0;i<x*y*4;i++){ pix[i]=rng(rand); }

then load array in image :

sf::Image img;

then set image on texture to display it on screen

sf::Texture tex;



for linux :

  1. $ sudo apt-get install libsfml-dev
  2. go to app/src/main/jni/
  3. $ g++ -c main.cpp
  4. $ g++ main.o -o sfml-app -lsfml-graphics -lsfml-window -lsfml-system
  5. $ ./sfml-app

for android:

  1. first should have: - android SDK [https://developer.android.com/studio] - android NDK [https://developer.android.com/ndk] - gradle [https://gradle.org/]
  2. build SFML for android [https://github.com/SFML/SFML/wiki/Tutorial%3A-Building-SFML-for-Android]
  3. go to root of project will see local.properties file open it in text editor, and change paths of SDK and NDK
  4. open CLI and type gradle build
  5. plug your android phone using USB.
  6. also on root folder of project open CLI and type gradle installDebug
  7. you will see app install on your phone

works app