This app was built to check social divergence during a pandemic, such as the viral epidemic in 2020, to be used in an exhibition hall or a wedding hall on tablets around the place to ensure that within the Bluetooth range there are no more than 10 people; Otherwise, a sound, vibration, and sentence will be sounded within the number of devices.
Task when intren in Smart methods company
A YouTube video made to experiment with the application in practice, illustrated in Arabic and a tour of the code Link:
A previous mission I did and helped me with this project: A tentative algorithm for a wedding hall with an epidemic
The design interface and what was used, I used the button to start the scan and stop to pause and switch to change between the number allowed during the Bluetooth range 3 or 10, and a list of devices that were found shows the Mac Study and after that. An external Bluetooth add-on and its file attachment were used, an alarm sound and the audio file attachment used, and an hour for delaying
The block was used as a program code to run it, three functions were used, and the properties of the parts that I used were like Bluetooth and the buttons, sound, vibration, and menu connectivity were used to display the devices and delay time, there was no need to add a loop to the scan because it remains running as long as you did not turn it off
Screenshots of the application on your tablet in safe mode and dangerous mode
An apk file attachment for the Android operating system, as well as a zip file for each project in MIT App Inventor. In addition to adding Bluetooth, which can be added from the design interface, which is in the form (
The logo and icon of appliction:
In the beta version, the attempt was made to use ready-made add-ons on the site but it did not work well, except by using the external add-on
Try before that on the Android Studio and PhoneGap platforms, but there were a lot of compatibility errors, so I turned here, and the disadvantage of this place is that it is only for the Android version
Thanks for reading all this description if you complete it here :)