

  • DOM
  • Query selectors
  • Modifying classes

A tab section was added to the box model solution from the HTML/CSS mini lab. Your job is to go into the Tabs.js file and get the tabs operatonal. The html and css needed are already in place, as is the main structure of the javascript.

Each Tab__link is associated with a Tab__item by way of the "data-tab" attribute. When a Tab__link is clicked, the associated Tab__item should be selected, as well as the Tab__link, and the previously selected elements should be deselected. The very first Tab__link and Tab__item should be selected upon page load. HINT: Look at the Tabs.css classes

You can refer to the study guide provided below, and use any additional sources you prefer if you need more information on the methods listed in the guide.

DOM - Vanilla JavaScript - Study Notes