A mini-encyclopedia of Pokémon species, types, evolutions, and moves.
This project uses Pokeapi to access data about Pokemon. Dataset of all the pokemon list is got from Data.world
Note: Make sure your Flutter environment is setup.
In the command terminal, run the following commands:
$ git clone https://github.com/MohammedAkhil/pokydx
$ cd pokydx/
$ flutter run
Open the project in Xcode from ios/Runner.xcodeproj.
Hit the play button.
Run the following command in your terminal.
$ open -a Simulator
$ flutter run
Make sure you have an Android emulator installed and running.
Run the following command in your terminal.
$ flutter run
Check out Flutter’s online documentation for help getting start with your Flutter project.
Feel free to add issues with bugs or ideas. Any pull requests are very welcome!
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Mohammed Akhil 🎨 💻 🤔 | Maggie Yogeshvar 📖 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!